New Financial Services research report from Timetric is now available from Fast Market Research
Boston, MA -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/23/2012 -- The success of the Colombian life insurance segment is directly related to the country's economic growth. For example, in 2010, the segment posted a CAGR of XX% which was in line with the country's GDP growth of XX%. Despite the global financial crisis Colombia's economic growth remained resilient in 2009, which positively impacted the nation's insurance industry. As the global economy rebounds, Colombian GDP at constant prices is projected to grow at a CAGR of XX% over the forecast period. This positive economic trend should lead to an increase in per capita disposable income which will encourage the people of Colombia to invest in life insurance products, especially unit-linked products.
View Full Report Details and Table of Contents
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the life insurance market in Colombia:
- It provides historical values for Colombia's insurance industry market size for the report's 2007-2011 review period and forecast figures for the 2011-2016 forecast period
- Using Porter's industry-standard "Five Forces" analysis, it details the competitive landscape in Colombia for the life insurance business
- It profiles the top life insurance companies in Colombia and outlines the key regulations affecting them
- It provides a comprehensive analysis of the business environment and country risk for Colombia
Reasons to Get this Report
- Make strategic business decisions using historic and forecast market data related to the Colombian insurance industry and each sector within it
- Understand the demand-side dynamics, key market trends and growth opportunities within the Colombian insurance industry
- Develop market-entry strategies by understanding the key market opportunities
- Assess the competitive dynamics in the Colombian life insurance market
- Identify key operators in the Colombian insurance industry, along with profiles on those companies
Companies Mentioned in this Report: Suramericana de Seguros SA, Compania de Seguros Bolivar SA, Seguros Alfa SA, Mapfre Colombia Vida Seguros SA, ARP SURA Riesgos Profesionales, Positiva Compania Seguros SA, Aseguradora de Vida Colseguros SA, Seguros de Vida Colpatria SA, BBVA Seguros de Vida Colombia, SA
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Browse all Financial Services research reports at Fast Market Research
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