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Jupiter Support Claims Its Spot in Growing Remote Technical Support Industry

The International Research Firm forecasted in 2010 that revenues in consumer-oriented technical support services would soon approach $5 billion by the end of this year, with roughly 50% of the revenues coming from remote technical support services


Scottsdale, AZ -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/05/2014 -- The word “virus” has the power to wreak horror and dread in most lives – whether related to physical aspects or technical. Worms, Trojans, rootkits, spyware, malware, adware – commonly summed up as viruses – have managed to impact lives so much so, that any inkling of any of these, leads to a sudden apprehension that calls for strong measures to be taken against it.

A recent report in shows a whopping 74,000 new computer viruses created every single day on average. It’s unfortunate that the probe into better antivirus solutions have gone in vain due to the fact that viruses are developing by the second and have the ability to bypass even the most up-to-date antivirus solutions.

In relation, further reported that malware has grown to be such a tremendous problem that over 32 percent of the world’s computers are infected with some type of malware. With East Asian countries like China, South Korea, and Taiwan having the most infected computers, the United States has the eleventh highest rate of infection with just over 30 percent of households being infected with malware. One million U.S. households lost money or had accounts misused due to malicious software.

Questions most computer users are now asking is “how safe are we?” Sounds legit. Frederick Roger, Virus Removal Manager of Jupiter Support, says the issue is no longer about annoyance, but rather a substantiated concern for safety and security. “The concern is about holding your data for a ransom, spying on you through a webcam and monitoring every keystroke on your computer,” Roger said – “all of which compromise your privacy.” He adds that today’s call for computer protection is and should be stronger than ever before.

Jupiter Support, an online technical support company, recognizes the underlying dangers of computer viruses and knuckles down on technical talent that makes up its team of committed experts, with a recorded high level of satisfaction in the industry of remote technical support. According to the company’s website, Jupiter Support’s innovative technology, has already led the company to its apex within a short period of time, by resolving more than one million virus-related cases to date.

“Ironically, almost 98% of our customers had up to date anti-virus software on their computers,” Roger said.

Today’s viruses are known to by-pass some of the most effective anti-virus solutions, paving the path for remote solutions – according to the International research Firm. Remote technical support has been proven more beneficial than anti-virus solutions or conventional methods for a variety of reasons – cost effectiveness, convenience, results and safety. With round-the clock service provided at affordable rates, an upward trend has been noticed in the remote servicing industry. The International Research Firm forecasted in 2010 that revenues in consumer-oriented technical support services would soon approach $5 billion by the end of this year, with roughly 50% of the revenues coming from remote technical support services.

With a strong focus on virus removal solutions, Jupiter Support’s team is confident of the role it plays in the remote servicing industry - with an assuredness that gives customers a bigger bang for their bucks.

About Jupiter Support
Jupiter Support represents a global IT Support and services company and help small businesses and busy consumers with affordable IT support while maintaining a high level of customer service.

Established in 2010, Jupiter Support's mission is to help people with high-quality tech support in the comfort of their homes at the lowest cost with a commitment to delivering quality service by empowering employees and constantly monitoring feedback to improve customer experience.

For media inquiries regarding Jupiter Support, individuals are encouraged to contact Media Relations Director, Dianne McDonald via email at

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