Google updates drastically changed the SEO game big time! No doubt about that. Big G’s algorithm is getting wiser and wiser, focusing on user experience and showing sites and pages that are found to be of high quality on top of its results list over the sites that are overly optimized and are keyword stuffed.
New York, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/29/2014 -- Over time, and with all the recent updates, SEO evolves. One can no longer manipulate his positioning on the search engine results page by simply stuffing exact match keywords on the site’s tags and descriptions and blasting it with links, this can do more harm to the site than good. It is now time to bid old school SEO goodbye and embrace the changes. However there are still advocates of the latter who steadfastly refuse to accept and embrace the changing of the winds.
Archaic techniques and strategies should be avoided at all cost, for search engines are now wiser and are able to penalize sites and kick them out of the results pages if they are found to be using the old fashioned maneuvers. Presented below are the tactics that one should get rid of in order to stay on the SEO biz.
Keyword Stuffing
Major flaw these days that old school SEO are so obsessed the past few years. This tactic is no longer effective. Search engines can no longer be fooled by sites that stuff their sites with keywords that are sometimes irrelevant to the site for the sake of incurring clicks and traffic. Yes it is a must to tell Google what your site is all about but repeatedly inserting the targeted keywords in the copy of a webpage reduces the content quality of the site, messes up user experience and may penalize the site.
Poor Quality Content
Most companies opt to go with the cheapest SEO optimized content provider, thinking it is too expensive to hire the professionals, in the long run these companies will see that they spent more hiring these amateurs and cleaning up the mess these wannabes made.
Buying of Links
Isn’t it ironic that the thing one invested in the past would also cost him his fortune? Many neglect the thought “quality over quantity” and purchase tons of links that their budget could stretch. With Google’s penguin update that focus on high quality links from relevant sites. A lot find themselves cleaning their link profile for they’ve been penalized and kicked out of SERPs.
These are the usual old school SEO tactics that some are still executing and these are the person and / companies to avoid. Go with the companies that embrace changes and comply with the algorithm updates. There are also companies that offer SEO whitelabel solutions, ideal for resellers, internet marketers and agencies that want to be well represented to their clients.
About SEO Wholesalers offers high quality, low cost SEO services to search marketing professionals who want to focus their efforts on growing their businesses instead of servicing clients.
Their solutions are also great for anyone sick of overpaying for SEO and search marketing services for their own websites!