
Las Vegas Valley Synagogue Launches Ambitious One Day Crowdfunding Campaign

Ahavas Torah Center in Henderson Nevada Has 24 Hours to Raise $100,000 to Capture an Incredible 400% Matching Grant.


Las Vegas, NV -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/10/2016 -- To the average Joe, the outside of a modern-day mikvah is an unassuming building housing what seems to be nothing more than a miniature swimming pool. But that pool of water is far from ordinary; to Jews, a mikvah is an essential part of Jewish observance. That's because a mikvah offers renewable purity and holiness like no other element of Judaism can.

Jewish tradition dictates that the importance of a mikvah trumps that of even a synagogue. To that end, a congregation is compelled to build a mikvah before even constructing a building to pray in. On a deeper level, the power of the mikvah is contingent on its meticulous construction in strict adherence to several complex specifications as dictated by Jewish law. Those detailed requirements make building a mikvah surprisingly expensive.

Which is why Ahavas Torah Center in Henderson is fortunate to be the recipient of an astonishing 400% matching grant. For every $1 raised by this Jewish congregation, there will be a $4 match. All told, Ahavas Torah Center needs to raise $100,000 in order to avail themselves of the $400,000 match needed to fund the full $500,000 budget needed to build Henderson's first mikvah. Las Vegas is home to two such Jewish institutions and now it's Henderson's turn.

The thing is -- they have only 24 hours to hit this $100,000 funding goal.

Turning to crowdfunding in its purest form, everyone in the community is being mobilized to reach out to friends and family and philanthropists all over the country to help make this happen given the tight deadline.

With Yom Kippur itself little more than 24 hours away, the giving of charity is universally accepted among Jews to be one of the best ways to petition Heaven for a healthy, happy and prosperous new year.

The crowdfunding website will be accepting donations via credit cards and debit cards. No donations will be charged to cards unless the $100,000 is met and all donations are 100% tax deductible.

The Ahavas Torah Center Mikvah Crowdfunding Project -