Tempe, AZ -- (SBWIRE) -- 01/30/2013 -- The authors of the popular healthy living book Lean Ape Living have just announced that the book is now available for the Kindle at a reduced price. The highly popular book is the culmination of the couple’s Lean Ape blueprint for a lean and toned body via low carbohydrate intake and healthy exercise several days a week.
Like many people, Dave Turner and Alexis Watson were seeking an effective way to combat the weight that had snuck up on them. After eliminating bread and potatoes, switching to a low carb diet and implementing a simple exercise routine, the couple saw results that were better, faster and easier than they expected. After six months worth of writing and research, the two unveiled their Lean Ape Living book that provides everyone with a blueprint for a lean and toned looking body. The highly popular book was originally only available as a PDF download via their website, but now the authors are making it available for the Kindle at a reduced price via Amazon.
“Through our own research we uncovered a lot of things most people simply do not know about nutrition and building a good looking body,” said Dave. “Since our goal is to share this information on how to lose weight and build muscle with as many people as possible, we wanted to make it more affordable and accessible for people on the go.”
The Lean Ape Living Book is comprised of two complete books that provide detailed information for living on a relatively low carbohydrate diet for a number of days a week. The first book explains the truth about fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and how they can have either a very positive or very negative effect on the body in terms of weight gain. Readers will learn how to harness the power of eating carbohydrates on certain days, and at certain times of the day, to build lean muscle whilst also losing fat.
The second book is a complete guide to exercise that shows readers how to implement a very effective full body resistance routine to build muscle, look lean and athletic, and do it all without spending more than an hour or so a week training. The authors are so confident about their approach to getting a great body, and keeping it looking great forever that they offer a full money back guarantee. “We have personally put into practice all the advice we give with some amazing results,” said Alexis. “We’re confident that these simple yet entirely effective ways to change what we ate while still enjoying real foods will transform the health and consequently the lives of anyone that applies them.” For more information, please visit http://www.amazon.com/Weight-Build-Muscle-Naked-ebook/dp/B00B1V0SHC/
About LeanApe.com
As the team behind the popular blog LeanApe.Com, Dave Turner and Alexis Watkins share the common sense secrets to their own tremendous success of implementing carb cycling and intermittent fasting to transform their bodies. The couple has compiled their secrets into a book entitled Lean Ape Living to help people lose weight, build muscle, and look good naked. The highly popular book is the culmination of the couple’s Lean Ape blueprint for a lean and toned looking body via low carbohydrate intake and healthy exercise several days a week.