Taking readers on a journey deep into the heart of rural Alberta, Joyce L M Holt’s latest novel is literary proof that the decisions we make have a profound effect on our future. As Holt’s protagonist flees her family and heads into life alone, who will she meet and how will they change her?
Alberta, Canada -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/02/2013 -- Millions of adults have left their families to continue life’s journey into education or work. However, as the protagonist in Joyce L M Holt’s latest novel quickly discovers, trying to take on the world without a plan can have long-lasting consequences.
‘Lilly May’s Deep Dark Secrets’ puts readers by Lilly’s side as she tries to find her way, making unplanned decisions that could change the course of her life forever.
One thunder storming night, just-about-sixteen-year-old Lilly May packs up her school bags and leaves her loveless farming family for the great unknown in small town Alberta. Naive, ill-treated, and relentlessly determined, she lands in a diner where she finds a true treasure in friendship with the diner-owner, who paves a way for a successful future.
But the past bleeds into the present when an older man arrives in her life, his charming and prosperous exterior hiding a dark and controlling heart that shatters Lilly May’s innocence and hope.
She must flee her past, conquering the ghosts of her own decisions to chase her dreams and make them a reality.
As the author explains, while fictional, the story of Lilly May could easily be a reality.
“Millions of teenagers decide to leave their families every year and only a handful have somewhere to go,” says Holt.
Continuing, “The rest are literally left to fend for themselves and anything could happen to them. I want my book to give adults an opportunity to re-live that portion of their life and experience it from another’s point of view.”
Critics praise Holt for the diligent efforts she is taking to get her book noticed. Due to its increasing popularity, interested readers are urged to purchase their copy as soon as possible.
‘Lilly May’s Deep Dark Secrets’, published by FriesenPress, is available now: http://amzn.to/10c0cKX
It is also available at Chapters.ca, Friesen Press Book Store and from other book sellers.
About the Author
Joyce L M Holt lives in Alberta, Canada.