Modern Advocacy Humanitarian Social and Rehabilitation Association

MAHSRA and Human Rights Partners Seek for Funds to Address the Plight of Widows Within Indigenous Africa

The voices of the widows in Africa are calling for your support to assist in making a change in their lives and a readjustment of the traditional customs that treat them like slaves and home property for inheritance. Are we going to stay silent to this call?


Bamenda, Cameroon -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/04/2014 -- The Modern Advocacy Humanitarian Social and Rehabilitation Association [MAHSRA] an NGO based in Bamenda – Cameroon and in Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council ECOSOC [2013], launches a reminder call to all men and women of generous hearts and humanitarian Wills, to make even the smallest possible effort in supporting the plea of the indigenous widows in African community setups.

Based on the field assessments, reported cases and past instituted programs within the domain, it has come to our notice that, as time evolves and knowledge on this initiative spreads far and wide, the number and degree of inhumane treatments inflicted on the widows keep on unfolding within very horrible life-witness reports.


MAHSRA is thus, calling on the gentle inner-parts of each and everyone, and as well, our human obligations to show concern and mercy to one another, in order that, concern will be shown upon us as well, in due time, though in such ways which we may not understand.


The presented worries in the initiative are real, live and chronic within our societies. ‘Should we fold our arms and watch our mothers maltreated and tossed around like home property, even after they have lost the love of their lives? What if these women were our own proper relations or, mothers in question or, even us, what should have we done? It is a horrible thing if we stay silent and do nothing about it, yet, we expect to have a change for a peaceful world when, we cannot even move an inch towards assisting the plight of women who passed us on to life’ exclaimed the CEO of MAHSRA.


In effect, the goal of the present fund raising initiative which was primarily launched on the 9th of May 2014, is to Fight the Barbaric Widowhood Rites Practices within Indigenous Africa’ through a strategic grassroots community-based activity schema. In the limelight, this deployed strategy sorts to transform the human rights abusive treatments inflicted on women (widows) based on customary obligations (rites), to internationally respected standards of the woman’s rights which will readdress the customary rites on widows for an inclusive merger entry of the widowhood rights in parallel with women’s rights.


As well, through intense rights based advocacy, cultural fairs, legal civil mass-marriages, community ombudswomen capacity enhancements and, other victimized widows and their family subsistence support initiatives, the following outcomes are projected:
- Improved status on the cultural regards standards of women and their children with the traditional societies;
- Improved mentality mind-frames of the traditional men towards their community widows;
- Improved motherhood childcare support prerequisites within local communities;
- Increased awareness on the legal implications for depriving ignorant widows and their children (orphans) of their due development needs;
- Empowered local community women on their independent and personal life-style development

The funding goal of $25,500US, more or less, is expected to be completely used on the activities of the project.

Carrying Green Leaves for Peace, the Voice of all the Affected Widows, through this initiative, is Transmitting Their Words Of Blessings, from Their Poor Villages, To All Those Showing Concern And Care For Them.

‘BLESS YOU ALL’, they exclaimed in tears!