Dayton, MD -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/26/2012 -- Even traditional businesses know that free search engine traffic can have a huge impact on their revenues and profits. However many traditional and online businesses have two obstacles in maximizing their free search engine traffic, a lack of knowledge on how to improve their rankings themselves or a lack of budget to hire an established SEO company.
MP Marketing Solutions believes they have the answer to the issues faced by these businesses with the launch of their “cancel anytime if not delighted arrangement”. Adam Feinberg of explained the concept:
“Most people now understand the power of having free traffic from search engines like Google and Bing. However our research showed many customers were tempted to make the wrong choices when selecting a SEO company. Many chose companies that offered short term contracts, but also didn’t produce results. Established results driven agencies like ourselves were often over looked because businesses were concerned about signing six months contracts.
We realized that they traditional long term contracts were not necessary for us as clients typically remained with us way beyond the initial six months period. So we decided to give clients extra comfort by allowing them to cancel at anytime if they are not delighted with our performance. This move is revolutionary for an agency of our size and standing.”
MP Marketing Solutions followed this move with a further innovative market move, Adam Feinberg explained:
“We decided to follow our cancel anytime policy with something even more powerful. Customers now pay nothing if we don’t achieve first page results for them. This gives customers further evidence that our 150 strong team will be working diligently on their campaigns.”
MP Marketing Solutions whole process for each customer is bespoke, they don’t believe a cookie cutter approach provides the best results. Their monthly SEO service incorporates keyword research, site analysis, copy writing, social media promotion and link building. Adam explained the approach:
“Too many SEO agencies follow an identical path with every customer without analyzing the customer’s objectives and their current requirements to meet those objectives. Most so called SEO agencies are simply link builders. However we pull together a unique plan for each client which is revised every month.”
As well as SEO MP Marketing Solutions offer a plethora of other services including pay per click management, web design, social media promotion, video marketing, reputation management and stand alone link building. Each service is managed in house by one of their 150 strong team.
About MP Marketing Solutions
MP Marketing Solutions is a full service performance based service SEO and internet marketing agency. All SEO services come without long term contracts and a page one guarantee. Their 150 strong team offer monthly SEO packages, pay per click management, web design, social media promotion, video marketing, reputation management and stand alone link building. For more information visit