
New Leadership for a New Era

What will it take to usher in a new era of leadership in a time of stark polarities? It’s time for some fresh ideas of the future that is emerging from outside-the-box visionary thinkers. Four members of the Evolutionary Leaders circle (www.evolutionaryleaders.net) discuss new dimensions of leadership based on heart-centered interactions, innovative models for mutual awakening and new cultural narratives. This rich roundtable discussion explores how to strengthen our resonance and resilience, learn joyful simplicity, and harness our innate wisdom and capacities, so that together we can support the evolution of human consciousness.


Phoenix, AZ -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/14/2016 -- "The Convergence" Series on VoiceAmerica offers an episode on Dec. 15 on "Evolutionary Leadership" (https://www.voiceamerica.com/promo/episode/96026). Rev. Deborah Moldow, co-director of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, hosts an inspiring conversation with renowned authors Gregg Braden (The Divine Matrix, Fractal Time, Deep Truth) and Duane Elgin (Voluntary Simplicity, The Living Universe), Patricia Albere of the Evolutionary Collective, and Diane Williams, founder of the Source of Synergy Foundation.

Why is this moment in time ripe for new models of leadership? Are there other forms of leadership beyond our traditional concept of democracy that lift up the voices of all members of the community? Is humanity ready for a vision beyond merely sustaining ourselves? Can our collective consciousness cohere in a way that brings forth leadership that serves the good of all?

Four renowned Evolutionary Leaders offer their insights into the cutting edge of leadership. Gregg Braden's deep exploration of ancient wisdom and modern science led him to see the patterns in nature, time and space that can show us the way forward. Duane Elgin's recognizes the need give voice and vision to the human species that is part of our living universe. Patricia Albere's Evolutionary Collective is a living laboratory of the power that can be gleaned from transformational relatedness. And Diane Williams brings Evolutionary Leaders together to create new levels of synergy among them.

A wide range of the systems that underpin our civilization need to be wholly re-imagined for humanity to continue to thrive on this planet. These leaders of the "evolution" offer real hope for the future.