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New Market Study: "The Greek Defense Industry - Market Attractiveness and Emerging Opportunities to 2016: Market Profile"

New Defense research report from ICD-Research is now available from Fast Market Research


Boston, MA -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/04/2012 -- This report provides a detailed analysis of the current industry size and growth expectations during 2011-15, including highlights of the key growth stimulators. It also benchmarks the industry against key global markets and provides detailed understanding of emerging opportunities in specific areas.

ICD Research's "The Greek Defense Industry - Market Attractiveness and Emerging Opportunities to 2016: Market Profile" is an essential source of information covering the market attractiveness and emerging opportunities of the defense industry in Greece

Greece is the largest importer of arms in Europe, and of all the EU nations, allocates the highest percentage of its GDP for defense purposes, making it one of the most sought after markets for foreign OEMs.

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Reasons to Get this Report
"The Greek Defense Industry - Market Attractiveness and Emerging Opportunities to 2016: Market Profile" allows you to

- Understand the market size and forecasts of the Greek defense industry.
- Understand the budget allocation of the Greek defense industry.
- Gain knowledge on Homeland Security market size and forecast..
- Gain insight into the benchmarking data with Key global markets..
- Understand the key trends and growth stimulators of the Greek defense industry.

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