The national Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) last Friday elected a new European representative to Europe to develop the existing economic relations.
Leipzig, Germany -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/11/2014 -- The national Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) last Friday elected a new European representative to Europe to develop the existing economic relations. The Berger & Severyuk Media Group GmbH has been selected as the official representative of the GCCI in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. New President of the branch, Mr. Besarioni Kamarauli, co-owner and managing partner of Media Group.
Mr. Kamarauli even Georgian origin, for several years, consulting both government agencies (including the Ministry of Economic Affairs) as well as private companies in Georgia with regard to the cooperation with European partners.
"Of course we feel the appointment is a great honor. Much will change the fact but not for us. The workday will certainly make something more diverse and my travel activity increase somewhat. "Said Kamarauli. "We will have to perform some personnel changes in order to create clear process responsibilities, but we were anyway already expanding.".
Asked about the medium or long-term goals replied Mr. Kamarauli: "We have already a few weeks ago worked out a paper which both the previous positive developments as well as the deficits shows - complete with solutions. This we will present in the coming week in Tbilisi. The main focus is of course on economy and efficiency. ".
Companies and private investors with economic intentions with regard to Georgia should welcome the new representative office in Europe, but is simplified by the significantly shorter paths much. "We have of course already a full range of advisory services, and provide the fastest means the right contact for all types of businesses. Dates we will be happy and realize the short term. "Said Kamarauli concluded.
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Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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Press contact:
Georgian Chamber of Commerce and inustry
Mr. Besarioni Kamarauli
Thomasius Strasse 2
04109 Leipzig
fon ..: 034186382961
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