Tempe, AZ -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/24/2011 -- Direct Net Partners, the Duty Free industry’s leading affiliate network, is pleased to announce the launch of cigars-affiliate.com, their new Cigars affiliate program Website. New affiliate partners can sign up on the Website for the cigars affiliate program to begin earning high 20-percent commissions selling Duty Free major brand cigar products online.
Today’s cigar sales numbers are strong with about 13 billion cigars sold worldwide last year. With dozens of blends and styles, cigars are more intimately linked to the style and character of the smoker wherever they may be in the world. There is currently a very strong market for high quality, genuine cigars such as Cohiba, Romeo Julieta, Davidoff, Montecristo and more at Duty Free prices.
The ability to fill that demand via the internet brings convenience and savings to the casual as well as aficionado cigar smoker. Cigar affiliate partners are rewarded with a consistent and growing income source from the cigars affiliate program as smokers come to the customized online destination Websites to find the world’s most sought after cigar brands.
Tobacco affiliate partners have access to all of the top brands and styles that are in demand by cigar smokers worldwide. All of the cigars are completely Duty Free to the buyer and a one-year tracking cookie ensures full credit on return customers.
The cigars affiliate program provides tobacco affiliate partners with all of the support they need for success. Direct Net Partners experts are always on call to provide solutions for any question they may have in order to help them garner the highest sales. Affiliate partners are also provided with a great looking, high performance Website by the company’s in-house design department.
In addition, partners are provided with a full set of advanced promotional marketing and technological tools to continually increase traffic and sales. These include banners, top-converting pre-made downloadable templates, customer discount coupons and dedicated sites known as white labels, which are for the most serious of the cigars affiliate program partners.
These white label Websites are dedicated to the use of only one affiliate but are hosted by Direct Net Partners. “The domain of these powerful marketing tools may be owned by us or the affiliate,” said the representative. We also encourage our partners to build their own sites on which to promote our products.” The backend stats tracker system provided and maintained by Direct Net Partners gives affiliate partners a complete overview of their Website visitors, sales, order statuses and much more. This new program is completely free with no registration charges or fees. To learn more, please visit http://www.cigars-affiliate.com
About Direct Net Partners
Established in 2008 as a private company, Direct Net Partners has more than 700 members and counting. Today they are the #1 duty-free affiliate network on the internet. Direct Net Partners specializes in the growing online Duty Free market and offers Duty Free products such as Cigarettes, Tobacco, Spirits, Perfumes and more. Direct Net Partners is a growing company with about 60 employees in the field of marketing, affiliate managers, support and technical staff. To learn more about Direct Net Partners, please visit: http://www.directnetpartners.com/