New Youtube Gospel Music Clip Set Raises Self Esteem

Southern Gospel Musician Uses Video As Tool to Bring Hope


NSW, Australia -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/21/2013 -- Research available today indicates that a vast majority of men live in fear and insecurity, doubting and second-guessing themselves. On the female side, research indicates that anywhere from 77-90% of women think they are ugly, research that was actually exploited in a recent Dove Real Beauty campaign. The campaign used a sketch artist to whom women described themselves and then outsiders came in and described to the same sketch artist the woman whom the artist had just completed. Comparisons of the two sketches was a profound statement on what people believe about themselves versus what other people see in them.

Australian Southern Gospel musician Jim Peters believes it's time to change those statistics and start people on a pathway to hope, raising their self esteem. In order to do that, Jim has released a new Youtube gospel music clip, “Beautiful”, to reinforce the message that all are beautiful in God's eyes.

It has been well-documented in the scientific community that music has the power to heal. No one would argue that music has a power to affect people deeply on an emotional level.

“You are more precious than you could possibly imagine,” says Jim, “and my songs give you Scriptural understanding of just how beautiful and worthwhile you are. They are songs of hope and will lift your spirit. This new Christian music video is literally a tool to let you know how amazing you are and how you were made to succeed.”

This whole album, which draws its title from this feature track, declares the truth that brings hope, saying all are beautiful - and with God by one's side, your future is assured. With all the negative options and messages given to people, young people especially, an album like “Beautiful” is not only a breath of fresh air, it is a necessary game changer.

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