
Peter Shankman, Founder of HARO and the Geek Factory to Join Celebrity Chef Devin Alexander from Biggest Loser on Have It All

Tune in to hear Celebrity Chef Devin Alexander and her special guest, Peter Shankman this Wednesday, November 29th at 9am pdt/noon est as they inspire on obliterating obstacles. PLUS Devin has a crazy exciting, life-altering announcement she'll share, as the show opens!


Phoenix, AZ -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/29/2017 -- Peter Shankman is a force to be reckoned with. He's an entrepreneur extraordinaire, started HARO (Help a Reporter Out), he is a 4 time bestselling author, has a social media agency with huge corporate clients most only dream of working with AND he has ADHA! In fact, his recent bestseller, Faster Than Normal: Turbocharge Your Focus, Productivity, and Success with the Secrets of the ADHD Brain, shows how he uses his ADHA to his advantage.

In a world where so many people believe that 'excuses' are reality, Celebrity Chef Devin Alexander is excited to chat (inspire!) with Peter, as he reveals his secrets! Plus, we'll learn how he manages to never let obstacles stand in his way (I'm pretty sure many people would have suggested HARO would never work...yet it's briliiant and anyone in media can't imagine not having the resource! AND Devin will share how she's powered through in record time to bring her biggest dream to fruition. This is a must listen show to see how you might think using a ShankMind and a no holds barred attitude to Have It All!

Visit http://www.devinalexander.com for more information about Devin Alexander.

Visit http://www.shankman.com for more on Peter Shankman.