Life Expectancy Predicted to Pass 100 Years By 2050
Website: Anti Aging Den Explores "Radical Life Extension" in the Near Future
Newport Beach, CA -- (SBWire) -- 08/08/2011 --Scientists are researching ways to dramatically increase human lifespan through genetics, caloric restriction, and stem cell grown organ replacement. Anti Aging Den recently posted an article that is drawing a lot of attention for its take on how the longevity of the human race will increase due to advancing medical technologies.
The site focuses on life extension research and the "social impact of living longer lives" through thought-provoking articles, as well as educational posts about anti aging, caloric restriction diets, and the reversal of aging in the skin.
- The article, titled “Will Extreme Life Extension, Create 2 Distinct Social Classes?” explained how over the past 100 years, human beings have almost doubled their life expectancy. - “In 1900 the average life span was ‘45 years,’ in the year 2000 it was 75 years (an increase of 67%),” the article stated.
- “The average human lifespan may reach 100 by 2050 if it continues along the same trend lines that it has been since 1900.”
But, what will the implications of - life extending medical advancements - and anti aging treatments be? As healthcare costs skyrocket, the article stated, "people will have to consider how living to extremely advanced ages may cause changes in families, the economy, and social classes."
“Made to order organs may someday become commonplace,” the article noted. “Since the leading cause of death in 2011 is heart disease, killing over 600,000 people per year. What will be the implication if doctors had the ability to grow replacement hearts from a person’s own stem cells?”
(the 1st replacement trachea grown from stem cells was implanted in July 2011)
In fact, the article contended, anti aging technology will go beyond the health insurance industry. Most insurance companies will not cover the procedures (lest they go bankrupt) once people reach a certain age, transplants may turn into "elective procedures that only the richest subset of the population will be able to afford".
“Will the gap between the have’s and the have not’s grow into 2 completely distinct social classes?” the article asked.
- The article also looked at a group of researchers that modified a single gene in fruit flies, thus causing the flies to live for 70 days instead of the usual 37.
The article concluded, stating these technologies "will most likely have a disruptive effect on our society".
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