"Global Building Integrated Photovoltaics (Bipv) Market by Products, Technologies & Applications (2011 - 2016)" Published

New Computer Technology market report from Markets and Markets: "Global Building Integrated Photovoltaics (Bipv) Market by Products, Technologies & Applications (2011 - 2016)"


Williamstown, MA -- (SBWire) -- 01/10/2012 --The principle of BIPV is that the PV panels or modules are incorporated into the envelope of a building/facade/roof and they generate electricity at that specific location. This, in turn, maximizes the energy efficiency by eliminating the transmission losses that generally occur when electricity is supplied through the national grid.

In terms of installation, Europe is leading with a growing number of legislations and incentives in favor of BIPV. This is followed by North America and Asia. There is also tremendous opportunity observed in Middle East region for this market. It has been observed that commercial buildings have the highest share in the revenue generated in the overall BIPV market while it is the least for industrial buildings. This lesser level of adoption in industrial buildings is due to the need for higher initial investment. However, it has been recently observed that the adoption level is gradually growing in the industrial sector as well with increasing number of awareness campaigns and showcase of developments by the market players.

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There are numerous companies with solutions based on amorphous silicon technology and the number of companies with solutions based on CdTe and CIGS technologies is also observed to be growing in the recent past. BIPV technology is expected to find tremendous growth opportunities in the construction industry and in the generation of heat from BIPV modules.

The global BIPV market is expected to grow from $4.33 billion in 2009 to $12.73 billion in 2016 at a CAGR of 16.9% from 2011 to 2016. The companies in China and Japan largely adopt strategies such as expansion of production facilities, R&D agreement with universities, undertaking of installation projects, and acquisition of certifications in order to achieve tremendous growth in this competitive market.

Scope of the report

This research report categorizes the global BIPV market on the basis of the different products, uses of these in various applications, the technology being used to develop the BIPV based solutions, geographical analysis; forecasting revenue and analyzing trends in the market.

On the basis of product

The product market is segmented into roofing, glazing, shading, cladding, wall integrated solution, glass, facades, and windows. The roofing market is further segmented into tiles, shingles, laminates, metal seam, and membrane. The market trend for these products is discussed.

On the basis of application

The application market is segmented into industrial buildings, residential buildings, and commercial buildings. The market trend for these applications is discussed.

On the basis of technology

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