International Thought Leaders Call for a "Global Upshift" on VoiceAmerica


Phoenix, AZ -- (SBWire) -- 12/20/2023 --In this special program, members of the esteemed Galileo Commission (( voice their call for global change from a new book THE GREAT UPSHIFT: HUMANITY'S COMING ADVANCE TOWARD PEACE AND HARMONY ON THE PLANET, "Roadmaps for Planetary Activists" ( by two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee Ervin Laszlo and David Lorimer, Chair of the Galileo Commission. David Lorimer co-hosts the program. Find the show at:

The Galileo Commission was founded in 2017 to expand the worldview of science. Ninety advisors representing thirty universities worldwide published the well-known GALILEO COMMISSION REPORT, which is available in both academic and general public versions: BEYOND A MATERIALIST WORLDVIEW—TOWARDS AN EXPANDED SCIENCE.

Contributors to THE GREAT UPSHIFT agree: "We have reached a historic turning point -- a 'point of bifurcation' at which we must find new ways to upshift our individual and collective consciousness to ensure the desired resolution of the world's crises. The Great Upshift offers roadmaps for all of us to do this." Their vital book is a compendium of insights into solutions for our world, troubled by climate change, conflict, and unsustainable conditions and calls for our conscious participation in universal values of love and care that we all share-- and which point us toward a world that works for all.  

David Lorimer dialogues first with Dr. Ervin Laszlo and then, in order of appearance: Ben Bowler of UNITY EARTH and three time Nautilus Award Winner Dr. Robert Atkinson, followed then by discussions with six noted contributors to THE GREAT UPSHIFT book— renowned authors and influencers Jude Currivan, Anneloes Smitsman, Charles Eisenstein, Natalie Zeituny, Alfredo de Zayas and Bruce Lipton. Kurt Johnson hosts for VoiceAmerica.

Emphasized are a December 29-30, 2023 online event by the Galileo Commission ( and a program in February 2024 with Laszlo, Lorimer and other guests entitled" Awakening to Humanity's Sacred Mission, An International Symposium and Call to Action". This Symposium will also be featured on VoiceAmerica and is partnered with eight major international impact networks, including UNITY EARTH (, as principal event planner, along with members of The Evolutionary Leaders Circle, a project of the Source of Synergy Foundation (

Websites to follow for announced upcoming events: December 29-30, 2023-- Galileo Commission:; Laszlo Institute for New Paradigm Research:; February 2024: the above and UNITY EARTH:; Evolutionary Leaders:; Light on Light:; and the Facebook Pages for all of these organizations.

Let's co-vision together toward the world that works for all.


About the Show: The Convergence
We have not seen a moment in history quite like this one. It is a moment of choice to support an evolutionary leap. In a world inevitably going global and multicultural, we can choose to live by a consciousness of wholeness, to co-create a collective vision of a just, peaceful, and flourishing world, to nurture authentic relationships, to build vibrant and compassionate communities working together to uplift all, and to join hands in building a better world. On THE CONVERGENCE, VoiceAmerica host Dr. Kurt Johnson is joined by global thought leaders from The Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and other global change-makers, in this inspiring series of radio and video presentations-- "Humanity's Moment of Choice". Spiritual and cultural leaders, sacred and secular activists, scientists, artists, writers, economists, politicians and even shamans join in this discussion of a world trying to wake up and grow up. What is at stake today and what are the technologies and cosmologies creating a world that can work for everyone? If you are concerned for our world's future you'll want to tune in to The Convergence on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel. See more at, a project of The Source of Synergy Foundation.

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Randall Libero
Senior Executive Producer

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