The Safari Initiative Picks up the Gauntlet of Martin, Malcolm and Mandela

Memphis, TN -- (SBWire) -- 08/20/2012 --5 Time Karate/Kickboxing Champion Anthony “Amp” Elmore of Memphis, Tennessee is picking up the gauntlet of Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela. Elmore notes that we must take the Gauntlets to Africa via the “Safari Initiative.” American writer Earnest Hemingway made the African word “SAFARI” poplar in the English language. Elmore has expanded the meaning of the word as a Key to revolution. Safari is a Swahili word that means “journey.” Elmore use the word as an acronym that means; “Style African Family Application Renaissance Initiative.” Elmore notes in a broad sense all humans have an “African Heritage” in that Africa is the birthplace of all mankind. Everyone should celebrate in Africa.

In 1990 Elmore sat in a tent on Safari in Massai Mara plains in Kenya and cried tears. Elmore went to Kenya to premier his autobiographical movie “The Contemporary Gladiator.” Visiting Africa for Elmore and for so many African/Americans; “A spiritual awakening.” Elmore a Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist believes that we African/Americans must honor the spirit of our ancestors by returning home. Elmore believes if African/Americans want peace and Africa wants peace Africa must bring its children home. Elmore has worked diligently on his African mission of over two decades. Elmore took groups to Kenya for a decade. In 1998 after a trip to Accra, Ghana Elmore entered the African import business. Entering the African import business made the word Safari even more keener for Elmore. Elmore noted that Safari was an acronym for “Styled African Fashioning Application Renaissance Initiative.” Elmore with his partners in Ghana developed more products for a 21st Century America than any person or groups in the world. Elmore converted his over 5000 square foot home in Memphis into museum called the “Safari House.”

Elmore tried for almost two decades to get his friend former Memphis Mayor W.W. Herenton to connect Africa and Memphis to no avail. In 2006 Elmore connected and became a friends and supporter of Jewish Congressman Steve Cohen who won a seat in a majority African/American district. Not only did Congressman Cohen introduce and get legislation passed that mandated America to apologize for slavery Congressman Cohen visited African Countries and noted Elmore’s efforts on the floor of Congress. In 2009 Elmore had his designers to create an African influenced tuxedo for President Obama. Congressman Cohen delivered the garment to Whitehouse and President Obama sent Elmore a thank you note.

In 2010 Congressman Cohen arranged for Elmore to meet with Embassies of Ghana, Ethiopia and Kenya. Kenya Ambassador Peter Ogego loved Elmore’s ideas and gave Elmore his 100% endorsement. Kenya changed Ambassadors and the new Ambassador Elkanah Odembo never looked at Elmore’s “Safari Initiative.” The Kenya Embassy closed the door to over 20 years of Elmore’s work at promoting Kenya and Africa. Congressman Cohen wrote a letter to the Kenyan Embassy and arranged for the Kenya Ambassador to meet with Elmore in February of 2012. Kenya Ambassador never Elkanah Odembo never gave Elmore a chance. Congressman Cohen wrote a letter to broken hearted Elmore that he had done his best and he could not force Kenya to support the Safari Initiative.

In 2011 1st lady Michelle Obama visited South Africa and Elmore had been watching Oprah Winfrey’s efforts in South Africa. In June of 2012 Elmore watched a South African Commercial on CNN news. The South African Commercial was incredulous to Elmore. The commercial was the exact vision he pictured for Kenya to promote Africa. Elmore wrote a letter to the South African Embassy and he asked Congressman Cohen to forward the letter to the South African Embassy on his behalf. In early August of 2012 the South African Embassy responded to Elmore’s request to meet with South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool. Elmore read about South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool spiritual background and he is confident that the South African Embassy would never turn their back on a “spiritual mission.” Elmore believes that we “Africans in America” (African/Americans) must return to our family in Africa so the souls of our ancestors can find peace because their children came home. In common sense terms no matter how big you get in life. No human is so big and arrogant that you forget you family and grand parents. Africans are our family and we must note as family relations.

Prior to the meeting with Ambassador Rasool Elmore created a video that express the spirit of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela. The video asks South Africa to honor its family (African/ Americans) with a “Formal State Reception.” Africa’s children were taken to America as slaves and it should be an African State that “Formally welcomes her children back home. Just as important, African/ Americans have a combined yearly income of a Trillion dollars and money and brain power can assist Africa. Elmore a community activist and a long time member of liberation organizations is humbled that Ambassador Rasool was a member of the ANC in South Africa. Elmore notes that Nelson Mandela is our grandfather and we African/Americans are Africa’s children. We are asking only South Africa for a formal invitation to come home South Africa has the infrastructure, the culture and the people and place to celebrate. Elmore is working on a September date that he ,Ambassador Rasool and Congressman Cohen can meet in Washington. Elmore is confident that they will announce a 2015 agreement whereas “South African will honor it African family with a formal State reception in 2015. Be on the look out for a News Release regarding this issue.

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Anthony “Amp” Elmore

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