TV Ads Start Friday in Cincinnati on Boehner and Boy Scouts "wimp-outs" to Obama

Cedar Falls, IA -- (SBWire) -- 02/08/2013 --As conservatives ripped certain board members of the Boy Scouts of America for considering a policy of gay scoutmasters this week - a proposed change which got postponed by the BSA board this morning - one group began placing blame at the feet of House Speaker John Boehner - in TV ads which start running Friday in his Ohio district near Cincinnati.

"Boehner and some BSA board members have been wimping-out to President Obama," a spokesman for the coalition said in announcing the TV spot, entitled "Big Tent Boehner." The ad says, "Bullied by the nation's Gay Activist-in-Chief, AT&T's CEO came out of the closet for homosexual Boy Scoutmasters....Bullied by the same Activist, John Boehner recently came out for a half-trillion dollars in new national debt -- yet another threat to our children! Speaker Boehner, how about speaking-up to save our next generation, and standing-up to Obama?"

Coalitional spokesman and Iowa Tea Party activist Judd Saul said, "Obama is like a bully in a leather bar and weepy John Boehner, the nation's top Republican, has set a pattern for wimp-outs by his constant caving to that bully. Clueless corporate types on the Boy Scout board - like the heads of AT&T and Ernst & Young - are now following that sad example. Instead of standing up to Obama and other bullies, Boehner and these trembling CEOs will sacrifice young people." Showing a Boy Scout troop, the ad hits that theme and AT&T when it says, "Moms and dads, guard your sons - and change that phone plan!"

Separately, Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, recently said of Obama, "This is a man who said he isn't sure he'd let his sons play football for fear that they'd get hurt--yet he can somehow justify putting boys in physically risky situations like these? No father, including Barack Obama, would want his daughters sharing a tent with grown men in the name of 'access'."

Perkin's group claims that gays are more likely to molest minors than heterosexuals. On his website, Perkins writes, "the Scouts are still dealing with the fallout of more than 2,000 cases of child molestation with the current policy in place! Can they honestly tell parents that entrusting little boys to men with same-sex attractions is somehow going to reduce the incidence of child sexual abuse?" Separately, reports indicated that many longtime Boy Scout leaders will quit the Scouts if the BSA board ever votes for gay scoutmasters in the future.

Saul, the spokesman, is also vice president of Iowa-based Patriots for Christ, which he calls a "Tea-vangelical" activist group. A Republican Party leader from the Cedar Valley, he was an early backer of the last two GOP Iowa Caucuses winners, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum. Saul said, "Iowa conservatives expect the BSA board and Boehner to stand-up to Obama. When House wussies caved to Obama last month to uncap the debt ceiling, it was an all-time low. No Republican who again gives away the debt ceiling should set foot in Iowa. At all levels of our society, we need real men to stand their ground and fight."

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