Preliminary Data Obtained from a Clinical Study of Patients with HIV and Tuberculosis

Sarasota, FL -- (SBWire) -- 03/18/2013 --The Results are Fantastic: Preliminary Data Obtained From The Clinical Study Involving The Use Of Enercel® In the Treatment of Patients with Co-Infections of HIV and TB.

Enercel® is a complex homeopathic medication that has been used successfully in the treatment of many infections including drug-sensitive and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis; hepatitis B and C; and diarrhea in children. Tuberculosis and HIV are the #1 and #2 causes of death from infectious diseases in the world. Together as a co-infection, they result in a much more severe and rapidly-progressive illness than either alone. Both of them cause the immune system to work much less efficiently against the other.

Aims: To evaluate whether Enercel® is efficacious for patients with tuberculosis and HIV co-infection at the Regional Antituberculosis Hospital in Chernigov, Ukraine. Specifically, to improve immune system function [by measuring T-helper or CD4 cells]; lessen or eliminate the amount of HIV virus in the bloodstream [HIV viral load]; and to verify the elimination of tuberculosis in the lungs [sputum AFB smears and cultures].

Methods: Initially 50 cc Enercel® is given intravenously twice per day for 1 month. This is followed by once daily treatment of 50 cc intravenously for 2 months. Another 7 cc is administered via a nebulizer once daily and 2 puffs are introduced into each nostril three times per day. Additionally 20 drops is given sublingually twice daily. Two control groups consist of giving Enercel® in addition to antiretrovirals [3 or more standard medications given for HIV infection] and the other group received the antiretrovirals alone. All patients receive standard tuberculosis treatment. Patients are evaluated by sputum AFB smears and culture, HIV viral load and CD4 count. Quality-of-Life [QOL] is assessed on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being severe incapacitation and 0 being perfect health. Toxicity is monitored by biochemistry panels and complete blood counts.

Results: After 2 months, there are 7 evaluable patients on Enercel® alone for HIV. Each patient is AFB-smear negative [indicating elimination of tuberculosis in the lungs]. QOL scores improved from a mean of 47.0 at baseline to 20.14 at 2 months [with lower numbers meaning better quality of life]. CD4 counts improved from a baseline mean value of 234.43 to 269.86 cells/mm3 after 2 months [indicating an improved immune system]. Mean viral load counts decreased from a baseline of 556,439 to 58,763 copies/ml at 2 months [meaning almost a 10 fold drop in the amount of HIV particles in the bloodstream]. There was no toxicity attributed to Enercel®. Two patients in each of the two control groups have their results pending.

Enerpuncture: Acupuncture injection point therapy using Enercel® [Enerpuncture] was used in 2 patients: 1) Patient had a right-sided stroke from TB meningitis. She was treated with 2 months of Enerpuncture on her right upper and lower extremities. She is now able to move her right shoulder and arm and she can walk with a slight limp 2) Patient had HIV/TB nerve damage of his lower extremities to the point that he could not stand without support. He is now able to walk on his own with a cane.

Conclusions: Enercel® is a safe, low-cost, homeopathic medication that has shown preliminary efficacy in the management of HIV infection associated with tuberculosis. Immune system function was improved, HIV in the bloodstream was markedly reduced and tuberculosis was eliminated in the lungs. These results are particularly noteworthy for the following two reasons: 1) Co-infection with TB and HIV is much more difficult to treat than either infection alone and 2) This is the first study to show that a single medication [Enercel®] is able to effectively treat both a severe viral [HIV] and bacterial [TB] infection simultaneously. The study is ongoing with newly enrolled patients into the study and 3 month results of the initial patients available in about 6 weeks.

W.H.A.T.’s mission is to make this valuable product available worldwide to all that desire a safe and effective solution to chronic illness and a pathway to a healthy life, we are getting closer to our goal every day.

Company: World Health Advanced Technologies, Ltd. (W.H.A.T.)
Manufacturers of Enercel® Advanced Homeopathy
2477 Stickney Point Road
Sarasota, Florida 34231

Media Relations Contact

Ana Spancer

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