Alternative Divorce Solutions Provides Divorcing Couples with a Better Solution

Divorce Is Difficult Enough Without a Lot of Tension, Mediation Helps to Reduce This

Newport Beach, CA -- (SBWire) -- 05/06/2013 --According to the United States Census Bureau, almost 37% of married women between the ages of 20 and 24 divorce. For men, this number increases to almost 39 percent! "When a person divorces while young, his or her perception of marriage may be negatively affected for the rest of their life if the divorce is very bitter. Divorce Mediation Newport Beach helps to prevent this from happening," Lani Baron, a Divorce Mediation Attorney and founder of Alternative Divorce Solutions, declares.

Mediation remains a voluntary process, one which allows couples to reach a settlement which benefits both without the high costs of a traditional divorce. Couples who choose to undergo mediation typically find the cooperation developed during the process extends to future interactions, making this a good choice for couples with children who may be affected by lingering anger and dissatisfaction. "Even those couples without children find this to be a good option as they leave the marriage with less anger toward the former spouse," Ms. Baron continues.

Mediation protects privacy as the records aren't made public and the mediation process normally takes less time than a litigated divorce. In many situations, the process is complete within the six month, one day waiting period. "Divorcing spouses appreciate the fact that the process is less drawn out so both parties can move forward with life," Ms. Baron goes on to say.

Experts recommend each party in the divorce obtain an outside legal review of the marital settlement agreement or stipulated judgment. This review ensures the agreement or judgment follows the law and that the interests of both parties are represented. "Alternative Divorce Solutions offers outside legal reviews for couples who have undergone the mediation process with a mediator or attorney. During this review, the attorney looks to see if the settlement is fair and if the party would receive a similar settlement in the event the case went to court," Ms. Baron says.

"Divorce affects every aspect of a person's life. Mediators strive to reduce the stress of the parties involved in the divorce and the friction that may arise during the divorce process. Ending a marriage is never an easy decision. Fighting through the divorce process makes everything more difficult. With Divorce Mediation, the stress and friction decrease so all parties begin their new life with a more positive outlook," Ms. Baron forcefully states.

About Alternative Divorce Solutions
Alternative Divorce Solutions provides divorcing couples with an option when it comes to settling issues surrounding the dissolution of a marriage. Divorces often bring pain and devastation, especially when they are lengthy and contentious. Mediation allows couples to work out their differences in a positive manner. Mediation begins as soon as a couple decides they prefer to take this route and continues until the divorce is finalized. Couples save thousands of dollars and stay out of court when this option is chosen. From divorce and team mediation to uncontested dissolutions and same sex couples, Alternative Divorce Solutions assists all during a difficult time.

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