hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Helps Patients Enjoy Outdoor Activities & Avoid Heat-Related Conditions by Losing Excess Weight

Diet Doc's medically supervised prescription hCG diet plans have given thousands the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors without the burden of unhealthy, unwanted and embarrassing excess fat and its ability to produce heat related health concerns.


Escondido, CA -- (SBWire) -- 06/19/2013 --According to the CDC, more deaths occur in the United States from extreme heat exposure than any other natural disaster combined, including hurricanes, earthquakes and floods. Those with a body mass index of 30 or greater are at increased risk for heat exhaustion and heat stroke because excess weight affects the body's ability to regulate its temperature causing the body to retain more heat.

George Luber, Ph.D., associate director for Global Climate Change at CDC's National Center for Environmental Health says to Livestrong that "If the body is unable to thermo-regulate well, the risk for heat exhaustion, which leads to heat stroke, happens at a much faster rate and perhaps at lower temperatures." Luber notes that medical conditions associated with obesity such as heart disease, COPD and diabetes, place the person at greater risk for death after exposure to extreme heat.

Diet Doc has developed diet plans for people of all shapes and sizes that are designed to promote fast weight loss while helping to avoid countless weight related diseases and conditions and educating the patient on the importance of making healthy food choices and lifestyle changes to assure longevity and long term health and weight maintenance.

By modernizing and refining the original 1950s hCG diet plans, Diet Doc has become the most reliable fast weight loss company and has given countless Americans freedom from burdensome, embarrassing and unhealthy excess weight. Diet Doc does not support the outdated 500 calorie per day 1950s hCG diet plans and allows patients to consume up to 1250 healthy calories per day, while also incorporating a wider range of delicious food choices, making the diet plans more interesting and easier to follow.

After a satisfactory medical evaluation and consultation with a Diet Doc physician, certified nutritionists will design hCG diet plans that are unique to each individual and considerate of age, gender and medical conditions, designing the plans to fit comfortably and conveniently into each patient's lifestyle. Prescription hCG will be added to the diet plans and is typically administered once daily.

This powerful combination is proven to produce healthy and fast weight loss by triggering the hypothalamus to target stores of trapped fat, lying dormant in the body, to be released into the bloodstream. Because the patient is consuming a healthy, nutrient rich, low carbohydrate diet, the body will burn this stored fat as a primary source of energy instead of muscle mass. This trapped fat is typically stored in areas that are the most difficult and stubborn to lose. Patients that follow the prescription hCG diet plan protocol are excitedly reporting the loss of pounds and inches in the hips, thighs, underarms and belly with 97% of clients reporting a loss of one pound or more per day.

By developing the nation's leading medically supervised prescription hCG diet plans, Diet Doc has given thousands the opportunity to enjoy more intimate family time, gardening, water sports or simply spending special time with children and grandchildren without the burden of unhealthy, unwanted and embarrassing excess fat and heat related illness.

Diet Doc urges those that have been unsuccessful in the past to call today to schedule a free and confidential consultation and to begin the journey to a more enjoyable, active and healthier future by losing excess weight.

Diet Doc Contact Information:
San Diego, CA
(800) 272-0482
Twitter: DietDoc10
Facebook: DietDochcg

Media Relations Contact

Alyssa Gojmerac

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