hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces hCG Diet Plans Designed to Melt Fat & Thus Offer Relief from Painful Obesity Related Osteoarthritis

Because obesity is fast becoming an American epidemic, the number of joint pain complaints is on the rise. Diet Doc offers a practical solution to help those suffering from the pain of weight related osteoarthritis.


Escondido, CA -- (SBWire) -- 07/23/2013 --Osteoarthritis, a form of arthritis also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease, involves degradation of the joints with cartilage breaking down between the joints. Commonly affecting the hands, feet, spine, hips and knees, this condition can cause severe pain with movement, causing sufferers to become more sedentary which can then compound obesity’s effect on muscles, causing them to become atrophic or wasting away.

There is little doubt that obesity contributes to the development of osteoarthritis. In a special report on obesity, the American Academy of Neurosurgeons states that “obese people are 4 to 5 times more likely to be diagnosed with arthritis. Further, the Academy states that 66% of arthritis patients are either overweight or obese.” Obesity, or just carrying too much excess weight, is the contributor of countless diseases, including the development of painful and, oftentimes, debilitating, osteoarthritis. Because obesity is fast becoming an epidemic in America, the number of joint pain complaints is on the rise, with many sufferers resorting to invasive and potentially high risk diet alternatives including surgery or fad diets.

Diet Doc offers a practical solution, prescription hCG diets to help those suffering from the pain of weight related osteoarthritis, capable of producing equal to, and often greater weight loss than invasive alternatives. By following Diet Doc’s prescription hCG diet plans, Americans are boasting a loss of up to one pound per day of unhealthy, unwanted excess fat. Patients committed to enjoying a future free of burdensome excess fat and the potential threat of countless weight related illnesses and conditions undergo an extensive evaluation, followed by a doctor consultation, all complimentary for new patients registering for the hCG diet. Based on this information, individual hCG diet plans are created by certified nutritionists that are specific to each patient’s lifestyle, medical history, dietary and nutritional needs.

hCG, available by prescription only and available in injectable solution, sublingual tablets and oral drops, will be administered, typically once daily to be used in conjunction with the custom made hCG diet plans. The powerful combination of prescription hCG and a balanced, doctor designed nutrition plan has the ability to signal the brain to target stores of old, trapped fat to be released into the bloodstream and used as the body’s primary energy source. Dieters will notice weight loss, normally within days of following Diet Doc’s hCG diet plans, and typically from the most stubborn and difficult to lose areas, such as the underarms, hips, thighs and belly.

Each patient’s diet journey is medically supervised and monitored with weekly progress meetings and specially trained fast weight loss professionals are available 6 days per week for consultation and eager to lend unlimited support, guidance and encouragement throughout. Because Diet Doc utilizes the most current technology, even those who cannot attend a weight loss clinic in Miami are given the opportunity to lose excess weight by simply picking up the phone or logging onto the computer. With the ability to reach those in even the most remote regions of the country, Diet Doc has helped thousands melt fat away naturally and safely, and enjoy a healthier and more active lifestyle while avoiding the dangerous risks of countless weight related conditions, including painful osteoarthritis.

Experts agree that losing as little as 10-20 pounds can have a significant positive effect on one’s health. Diet Doc’s hCG diet plans are designed for those who want to lose only those difficult last 10 pounds, or those who must lose 100 pounds or more in order to relieve symptoms of or prevent osteoarthritis. The professional weight loss experts at Diet Doc urge everyone that needs to lose excess weight to call today to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

Diet Doc Contact Information:

San Diego, CA
(800) 272-0482

Twitter: DietDoc10
Facebook: DietDochcg

Media Relations Contact

Alyssa Gojmerac

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