It’s Not a Romantic Comedy in Real Life – The Challenges Surrounding Intimacy and Asperger Syndrome

What happens when you fall in love with someone for whom love itself is an alien concept? Can people with Asperger Syndrome have meaningful, intimate relationships? The answer to these and other important questions can be found in Dr. Kathy Marshack’s new book.

Vancouver, WA -- (SBWire) -- 07/20/2009 -- Vancouver, WA, July 19, 2009—Asperger Syndrome, a form of autism that creates difficulties in social interaction, is being portrayed in the new acclaimed romantic comedy “Adam”. What happens when you fall in love with someone for whom love itself is an alien concept? Can people with Asperger Syndrome have meaningful, intimate relationships? The answer to these and other important questions can be found in Dr. Kathy Marshack’s new book: “Life with a Partner or Spouse with Asperger Syndrome: Going over the Edge? Practical Steps to Saving You and Your Relationship” published by Autism Asperger Publishing Company (March 2009).

Interest in the subject of intimacy and Asperger Syndrome is growing, but the answers are scarce. In fact, so little is written on the subject of adult Asperger Syndrome (AS) relationships that Dr. Marshack received hundreds of emails from desperate people around the world—primarily women married to men with AS—after posting just one chapter of her book on her website. However, she’s also received hate mail from those that view her position as unfavorable to the Asperger community.

This doesn’t surprise Dr. Marshack, a licensed psychologist and marriage therapist, who has observed these Asperger/Neurotypical couples developing very strained relationships. Worse yet, conflicts can escalate to damaging proportions involving divorce, domestic violence and depression. Many therapists don’t have the necessary training on how Asperger Syndrome impacts intimate relationships. In her book, Marshack dives right into these sensitive issues and shows readers how to take control of their lives and grow away from dysfunctional behavior and dysfunctional relationships. . . even if that means divorce.

Dr. Marshack shares poignant true stories based on the lives of her clients and even her own family members who have Asperger’s. The book focuses on how partners/spouses of someone with AS can take back his or her life and find true meaning and happiness. The forward was written by Dr. Stephen Shore, internationally known author, consultant, and presenter on issues related to the autism spectrum who candidly shares insights from his own Asperger marriage. Both Dr. Marshack and Dr. Shore will be offering book signing at the Autism Society of America's 40th National Conference on Autism Spectrum Disorders in St. Charles, Illinois on July 22nd – 25th.

About Kathy Marshack, Ph.D.
Kathy J. Marshack, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist with a private practice in Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR. She has more than 30 years of experience as a marriage and family therapist and business coach. Dr. Marshack has written two previous books, a variety of articles and a family business column, and is a contributor to the nationally acclaimed “Sixty Things to Do When You Turn Sixty.”

Media Relations Contact

Michelle Lathim
Kathy J. Marshack, Ph.D.

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