Andy Shaw Announces a 5 Day Give Away to Download His FREE 4 Part 'A Bug Free Mind Starter Kit'

Troutdale, OR -- (SBWire) -- 10/02/2013 --Andy Shaw is giving away free access to Breakthrough To A Bug Free Mind - a 4-part Mind Power Program he has created that walks people through the basics of The Bug Free Mind Process: containing everything they need to start removing the 'bugs' that are holding them back and awaken their natural success mindset with A Bug Free Mind. The theory behind being that whatever we are thinking, we are creating. Our thoughts are information highways that send messages to and from the body. So if people have a bug free mind, that is they have positive thoughts throughout the day, they can become highly successful in all areas of their lives.

There is no prior experience necessary as everything in this program, including his world-famous “No Mind Exercise”, The ABC Guide To Living A Legendary Life, his latest video 'How To Tap The Magical Power of Your Subconscious – On Demand! and many other fascinating insights are all designed to benefit anyone from any level.

Andy is said to have revolutionized the industry out-of-the-blue, challenging beliefs and as a result ... ends up changing peoples lives for the better. It is said that the: A Bug Free Mind books contain “the secret to progress” and that “they are the LAST self help books a personal development student will ever buy”

It is also stated that there are people who've read his books several times, because they claim with each reading their understanding of “the way” improves and their success becomes more certain. In a recently published survey it turns out that 92% of all A Bug Free Mind readers claim that The Bug Free Mind Process is delivering for them (even when no other personal development book ever has before.)

For the next couple of days in October this A Bug Free Mind Starter Kit! called 'Breakthrough To A Bug Free Mind' is available at no cost at

About Andy Shaw
Andy Shaw is a world famous writer and enterpreneur who has successfully modernised the self help industry with his books. He has several best selling books on the market and has been an entepreneur for more than 10 years. In his books he shares with the readers what works in real life.

Media Relations Contact

Chieh Chang

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