Text Your Ex Back as Reviewed by TextYouExBackx.com

Wake, NC -- (SBWire) -- 11/04/2013 --Text You Ex Back is a program that claims to help people get back together by using text messaging. Some people believe that sending text messages after a breakup is a better way to get back together than meeting face to face. This is because emotions are high and things get said in the heat of the moment. Texting allows the user to think before they say.

According to the author of the program Michael Fiore the program teaches people to use cleverly worded text messages to capture the attention of a distant or angry ex. Reports Johnson. “Many people believe that using text messages is not a good way of getting back with an ex. But Fiore’s method is unique in that he teaches the user to recreate positive experiences that may not be possible in a face to face meeting”. Johnson continues “All messages sent with the program are carefully scripted to plant a seed in your ex’s mind; it is only human nature that these messages will get a response. And with careful timing the feedback you receive will mostly be positive”

Michael Fiore who is a relationship expert controls the user’s response to text messages being sent, this helps people to say the right thing and to avoid confrontation by texting messages they regret later on. Reasons why you broke up with your ex are addressed but only when contact has been re-established.

Paul Johnson CEO of TextYouExBackx.com believes the program will come in useful for people who are looking for a way to get back with an ex, but are unsure how to go about it. “The program makes it easier for people to reconnect”.

About TextYouExBackx.com
(textyouxxbackx.com) aims to provide relationship advice to people who visit the site, all content on the website is there to help people struggling with relationships.

Paul Johnson
Wake, North Carolina
(919) 295-9128

Media Relations Contact

Paul Johnson

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