Health and Wellness Before Birth

Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWire) -- 11/12/2013 --Researchers at the University of Montreal released the results of a new study revolving around exercise during pregnancy and the effect it has on a developing baby. The study found that women who exercised as little as 20 minutes three times per week gave birth to infants with advanced brain activity.

Researchers hope that the results, which indicate that the brains of infants whose mothers exercised were more developed than those who did not, will give women even more incentives to stay healthy while pregnant.

There have been numerous studies on the benefits of exercise while pregnant, both for women and fore the developing fetus. Another study done in 2009 showed that developing infants who were exposed to exercise in utero had more developed breathing movements at birth than those born to mothers who remained sedentary. More developed breathing movements can ease birth for the infant by keeping the heart-rate steady during labor and delivery. But exercise just doesn’t benefit the growing fetus, it’s beneficial for moms as well.

Women who are active lower their risk of developing gestational diabetes by approximately 27 percent. Pregnant women who develop gestational diabetes are at risk for preterm delivery and or cesarean surgery due to an overlarge baby. Not only can exercise prevent this condition, but it will also provide mothers with more energy, better rest levels, less pain and aches from the weight of the growing fetus and ease labor and delivery struggles.

As for everyone, caution should be taken by pregnant women to stay hydrated and not exercise to the point of exhaustion. But for those who do engage in the recommended 30 minutes of exercise at least three times per week are more likely to stay healthy throughout their pregnancy, and deliver healthier babies as well.

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