Historical Fiction Writer Bob Rogers Seeks Kickstarter Funding for the Release of the Laced Chameleon

New Orleanian Francesca, a laced chameleon, awaits the launch of a companion book and book tour to make her debut as an amateur sleuth.


Charlotte, NC -- (SBWire) -- 05/08/2014 --Bob Rogers writes historical fiction. Bob’s readers feel the characters created by him as they are entertained while being educated. Bob has had a life-long fascination with the lives of ordinary people who performed extraordinary deeds during the development of our adolescent nation between mid-19th century and the Great Depression.

Inspired by a painting created by the late artist-historian Don Stivers, Bob set out to provide a name and a life behind the face depicted in Don’s “Proud to Serve.” Twenty years later, Bob published his second novel ‘First Dark,’ giving voice to Don’s character and some ordinary people of this great land – African, Apache, Cheyenne, European, and Mexican.

New Orleanian Francesca is the protagonist in The Laced Chameleon, released last month as a prequel to First Dark. The conundrums she faced leave vivid illustration of the limited life choices that a New Orleans quadroon had (persons one quarter African American). With her hands and clothing stained by the blood of her aristocrat lover, Francesca vowed revenge against his assassin and set about her new work as an amateur homicide detective.

The third related book, a novelette titled ‘Sacrifice at Shiloh Church’ is slated for editing and publication in June. Sacrifice is likewise, a prequel. The protagonist, the Englishman James Darby, also first appeared in First Dark. Concurrent tasks are underway to secure several venues for the launch of a multi-book book tour in several Southern cities, but most especially in Francesca’s native New Orleans. The tour should become self-sustaining after New Orleans.

The editing and production costs for the novels are already paid. What remains to be done are the professional editing and production of the novelette eBook on multiple platforms. Those expenditures will be dwarfed by the expenses and fees for venues and travel in the launch of the book tour. The potential venue is before a convention of 20,000 attendees.

This project will only be funded if at least $4,776 is pledged by Sat, May 31 2014 8:49 AM +05:30.

Kickstarter Page: http://kck.st/1hkZRx8

Media Relations Contact

Bob Rogers

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