Hidden Causes of Sugar Cravings Debunked by Watchfit Expert

London, UK -- (SBWire) -- 05/29/2014 --Sugar addiction has become the modern-day plague in hiding with very few people making the connection between their sugar cravings and the increased risk of a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, gut bacteria, inflammation, caries, and more.

Although numerous studies suggest that sugar has the qualities of an opiate and can become highly addictive, not much in-depth scientific information has been made available to the public to help understand and combat the causes of sugar cravings.

Watchfit, an innovative health and fitness platform, which partners up with world-renown nutritionists and dietitians in order to shed light on the most nagging health and wellness issues of today has asked Dr. Carina Lopez to dig into the roots and hidden origins of what seems to be an unsolvable problem – sugar cravings. Translating the body’s functions into language, understood by all, Dr. Lopez has given the power of knowledge over sugar addiction!

She of course points at the psychological bond made with sugar since childhood – the feeling of reward and happiness that it gives us. But then goes on to reveal the little-known connection between the adrenal glands and sugar cravings. The adrenal glands are the ones that regulate the sugar levels in the blood, producing cortisol and cortisone. If one leads a very active lifestyle and does not adhere to a strictly balanced diet that supplies the body with all necessary nutrients, the function of the adrenal glands gets disturbed. This means they require more blood sugar to function correctly, and this is how sugar cravings occur.

Another hidden enemy, causing a sugar addiction is candida. If there is Candida, predominating in our intestine, we will be craving more sugar, as it actually feeds on it! This would also be causing us digestive problems, headaches, and irritability.

Dr. Lopez then moves on to talk about zinc deficiency. Insufficient levels of zinc in the body leads to insulin resistance, which means that the body’s cells cannot effectively respond to the insulin hormone. To compensate for this, the pancreas produces more insulin, and thus sugar cravings spike.

Knowing these, one can address a sugar addiction in an informed and constructive manner. Nourishing the adrenal glands with a nutritionally rich, balanced diet is suggested as top priority, as well as the use of Licorice tea, which has been known to support their function, too. Gymnenma Sylvestra, an Ayurvedic herb has been found by studies (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 67, Issue 3, 30 November 1999, Pages 367–372) to lower blood sugar and Dr. Lopez recommends a cup of tea made with the herb after a proper meal to also diminish the taste of sweet.

About WatchFit
WatchFit is a health and wellness web platform with an expanding library of top-quality material provided by athletes, coaches and experts across various topics related to health, fitness performance and diet. Watchfit has recently launched a free app, providing entire plans by internationally renowned experts, Olympic medalists, and celebrity trainers, covering all fitness and dietary aims and goals.

Contact: Parisa Louie
Email: team@watchfit.com
Company Location: London UK
Address: 25 Eccleston Place London SW1W 9NF
Web: http://watchfit.com

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Parisa Louie

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