Facebook Joins the World in Commemoration of Pride Month with Their First Gay-Themed Facebook Stickers

Social giant Facebook celebrates Pride Month with custom Facebook sticker in support of the LGBT community.


Beaver Falls, PA -- (SBWire) -- 06/09/2014 --President Barrack Obama officially declared June as the Pride Month in memory of the Stonewall Inn riots of 1969 as a momentous milestone of the gay liberation movement. Facebook joins the world in this commemoration with their first gay-themed sticker pack with 28 stickers illustrating gay and lesbian couples, LGBT families, and other LGBT symbols such as rainbow-colored hearts.

Facebook is one big supporter of the LGBT community. Facebook Spokesperson said, “We see this as one more way we can make Facebook a place where people can express their authentic identity.”

It can be noted that on February of this year, Facebook released its list of gender selections with more than 50 varied stickers including intersex, bi-gender, and transgender. The new Facebook stickers can now be sent inter-Facebook via messenger. Stickers are comprised of feature rainbows, same-sex couples graphics, hearts, genderless characters, and graphics portraying a drag queen.

It should be noted that in the US, there had been a number of attempts made to form support groups advocating gay and lesbian relationships tracing back the end of World War II. The gay life actually prospered even before the war during the Harlem Renaissance in 19202 in Greenwich Village and other towns. The broke of the war caused isolation of gay men and women to be assigned as fighters, war workers, and other volunteers. Because of this, massive awareness sprang paired with the investigation of Senator Joseph McCarthy on homosexuals assigned as government officials and workers obliging fair treatment in employment, public policy, and mental health.

The gay freedom movement of the 1970 witnessed the formation of innumerable political organizations. Several groups were actually at odds with another. There was even a time when lesbians came up with their groups, feasts, record labels, music festivals, publishing houses, bookstores, and newspapers.

Carl Wittman’s Gay Manifesto outlined the imperatives for gay liberation and has since then became the defining document for the new movement. The manifesto contains the following advocacy:

1. Free the LGBT community. Have them come out everywhere, initiate self defense and political activity, and have them kick-off counter institutions.

2. Turn other gay people on: talk all the time, understand, forgive, and accept each other.

3. Free the homosexual in everyone. Have them be gentle, keep talking, and act free.

4. Being consummate actors, have the LBGT community act as they are and promote their own good show.

The Pride Month celebration with Facebook as the one big supporter of LGBT community is a milestone. With the ongoing support, Facebook is one great avenue for the LGBT community to further express themselves…freely.

Mogicons, a provider of Facebook stickers and emoticons, gives a wide array of new sticker pack that can also be downloaded via Android, iOS, and Windows phone.

About Mogicons
Mogicons provides a list of all Facebook Emoticons and stickers. Now you can give your words a personality and astonish all your friends with thousands of cool emoticons.

Media Relations Contact

Galin Georgiev

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