Strength in Numbers: After Taking Affair with Herman Cain Public, Ginger White's Raw New Memoir Reaches out to All Women Belittled by Scandal
In 2011, Ginger White came into the public and media spotlight after announcing her 13-year affair with Republican Presidential candidate, Herman Cain. In her compelling and therapeutic new memoir, White exposes how what should have been a simple admission of truth turned her life into a rollercoaster of lies, scandal and deceit. Through sharing her story, White hopes to reach the thousands of women who are suffering in silence and provide the solace they need to overcome adversity.
Washington, DC -- (SBWire) -- 07/01/2014 --While Herman Cain was never a front-runner for the 2012 Presidential Election, he rapidly emerged as one of the more vocal and determined Republican candidates. However, his campaign suffered a deadly blow in November of 2011 after a decade-plus affair with an Atlanta woman came to light. Ginger White, who was persuaded to take their affair public due to Cain’s arrogance, is now sharing her story candidly for the first time in a raw and gritty new memoir.
‘Strength in Numbers: How I Survived a Political Scandal and the Courageous Women That Helped Me’ not only covers Cain and White’s relationship; but the painful scandal and struggles that came immediately after announcing it to the world. Aside from simply sharing her story, White is using the book as a bold opportunity to help other women overcome situations where they too feel trapped and helpless.
In this real life tale of sexual misconduct, affairs and political sideshows of 'he said she said'. You will read of how one woman's very private and personal life quickly became one of public humiliation.
Get lost in the story of this strong and determined Black woman who decided to risk it all when she decided to stand up for what was right. In doing so she lost everything. Her reputation was ruined and her life was thrown into the spotlight of extreme and harsh criticism. Not to mention the constant and continued denial of the truth by then Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain.
The interesting point of view and stories shared by Ginger White and several other amazingly courageous women will sometimes have you laughing, crying and shaking your head in disbelief. These real life issues experienced by real life women is a riveting must read.
Strength in Numbers is full of bold and emotional stories. Heart felt stories that are brutally open and honest. It will take you on a rollercoaster ride you will never forget. Page after page you will be shocked and even at times intrigued by the fearless and courageous stories of some of these women.
You will read of Ginger White's determination and how she refused to neither give up nor hold her head down in shame. Lastly, you will take a ride into the lives of women who have survived so much more than a political scandal and why Ginger turned to them for strength. You will have the opportunity to engulf yourself in the stories of these fearless women and for the first time ever understand the true depth of a woman.
I hope after reading these stories you too will feel encouragement when things appear hopeless, strength when trying to overcome your toughest obstacles and the determination to never give up!
“If I gave up, I wouldn’t be the strong woman I am today,” admits White. “The reality is terrible; it takes two people to have an affair but, after going public, it is often only the woman who is belittled and left to suffer. While at the time it feels like there is no way out, my story proves that life doesn’t have to end.”
Continuing, “But I do question why society allows this to happen, while also offering women a series of insightful strategies and personal therapies to rebuild their lives. Many women refused to let me give up and I’m now joining them in the fight for others.”
To date, the book has garnered rave reviews. Joanna Grundy-Dunlap comments, “What a fabulous book! To be so transparent and real takes courage and faith. Ginger told her story and I applaud her for it. Everything we go through is to help someone else who may face the same challenges. Family, faith and love prevails again. Thank you Ginger for stepping up and speaking out.”
Another reader adds, “Thank you Ginger White!! This book was a page turner. The stories in this book from women with great STRENGTH & courage has helped me! Some chapters turned me into a crybaby, but I'm so thankful that you chose to share this with the world! It's a great book & I encourage others to purchase!! Thanks.”
‘Strength in Numbers: How I Survived a Political Scandal and the Courageous Women That Helped Me’ is available now:
About the Author:
The author lives in Washington, DC.
Media Relations Contact
Jim Collins
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