Peregrine 360 Seeks Crowdfunding via Kickstarter for T.Rex: An Affordable, High Quality Dinosaur Fossil
An affordable, high quality T.Rex replica made for dinosaur fans that dig the details.
Montreal, QC -- (SBWire) -- 11/17/2014 --Peregrine360 is a small team in the design and manufacturing industry that is looking to design the technology of the future. They set up an innovative process that rapidly translates a concept into a 3D virtual design, and then crystallizes it into a physical prototype using state of the art 3D printers. In other words, the team put in place an innovative process to “turn dreams into realities”.
In order to raise the funds necessary to grow their team, they designed and created an object of desire for many Dinosaur fans, a model the members of the team are passionate about: a high quality Dinosaur replica that is up to par with the quality seen at museums.
The creation of the T.Rex model started by designing 3D virtual models for the various bones of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, trying to mimic as close as possible what the real skeletons looked like at museums. They compiled all the different components of the skeleton to create a fully assembled 3D model of the T.Rex. With the 3D model in place they printed a physical prototype with a 3D printer that was also featured on Kickstarter. After 3D printing it, they assembled the finished model and added important finishing touches that made it look realistic.
Crowdfunding is sought to deliver a high quality T.Rex model using more efficient production tools. Proceeds from this campaign, accounting for perk fulfillment and Kickstarter fees, will give Peregrine 360 the funds they need to produce more cool designs and models in the future.
This crowdfunding campaign ends on December 20, 2014.
The T. Rex Kickstarter page -
The Official Peregrine 360 Website -
About Peregrine 360
They are a 3D Design and Prototyping company. Their long-term goal is to work alongside innovators and support them in turning their design ideas and concepts into fully functional physical models in which electronic/ mechanical components can be embedded. Their future vision is to create new devices that never existed before that can do things people did not know were possible.
Media Relations Contact
Howard Sherman
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