Screenwriting Tips from the Trenches: Do Screenwriters Have to Move to L.A. to Break Into the Film Business?
New video reveals straight scoop on whether screenwriters need to live in Los Angeles in order to make it in the ultra-competitive screenwriting field.
San Diego, CA -- (SBWire) -- 01/30/2015 --Most writers pursuing a career in screenwriting will inevitably face that most vexing of questions: do you have to move to Los Angeles in order to make it as a professional screenwriter.
And conventional wisdom, along with most screenwriting how-to books, illustrate the importance of would-be screenwriters living in Southern California.
But according to Michael Rogan, author of the paperback book "Screenwriting Made Stupidly Easy," screenwriters can break into the film business whether living in Hollywood or Hanoi.
"Unless a screenwriter wants to be a staff television writer or wants to get into producing or directing, they don't have to move to Los Angeles," says Rogan. "But they do have to be able to do a few basic things."
Those "basic" things include making occasional trips to southern California, and "being able to converse on the phone with human beings." The latter being something that many screenwriters are terrified to do.
"You don't have to live in the 310 area code to break into the film business," says Rogan. "But you do need to be able to check in with managers and producers to see if they're open to receiving your material."
Perhaps the most important asset screenwriters based out of Los Angeles need to acquire is experience on a film set.
"They don't have to work on the next 'Avengers' movie. But they do need to work with actors saying words they wrote," says Rogan. "This is worth four years of film school right there."
"And anything that helps screenwriters skip film school is all the better."
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