on Why Video Marketing Is the Most Effective Type of Marketing in Acquiring and Retaining Consumer Engagement

Integrating videos in every content marketing strategy is not hard to be implemented since this also follows precepts of other content marketing that embraces proper and fair distribution of relevant and topical content that is aimed to the target consumer.


Atlanta, GA -- (SBWire) -- 03/03/2015 --Video marketing is a compelling way to drive results faster than content. Videos are effective in acquiring and retaining customers since the useful information shared in the video will inform, educate or help consumers solve a problem in their daily life before a marketer attempt to sell consumers a product. And since marketing focuses on getting favorable feedbacks and results from the campaigns created, video marketing is certainly worth the time to be highly considered for effective marketing.

From the conducted survey of Frost & Sullivan, it was found that by 2020 the consumers will be accounted for all the 75% internet traffic. This is not impossible to happen since most of the consumers today are much inclined to watching videos that are informative, funny and also gives emphasis to a problem or issue that consumers often encounter. And what makes videos an effective tool in promoting the brands is that scientifically, the brains process imagery 60,000 times quicker than a text and it retains imagery perceived six times more than a text; that the more information is provided, the more it will be absorbed by the consumers.

Furthermore, having the videos to promote the brand increases the people's understanding towards the product or service by 74% since relevant and up-to-date information is supplied. The Content Marketing Institute sees the much potential in videos in connecting brands with the consumers as blog posts with videos included tends to create more engagement and time with 15% on the website, that post with just images and text fail to do so. The Aberdeen Group sees the same notion as websites with embedded videos that displays valuable content have an average conversion rate of 4.8% as compared to the 2.9% of the websites with images and text only displayed.

Integrating videos in every content marketing strategy is not hard to be implemented since this also follows precepts of other content marketing that embraces proper and fair distribution of relevant and topical content that is aimed to the target consumer. Marketers should only need to ensure that there's a consistency in messaging and positioning across the various mediums. Considering case studies and webinars greatly helps in promoting brands because they are powerful resources and an effective customer endorsement. In addition, this consist emotional factors that drive to a problem-solving.

The bottom line, a gripping and efficient video marketing guarantees marketers a successful and continuous connection between brands and consumers. All it takes to make this possible is to plan the videos with video marketing experts, start on small projects and transform strategy from valuable information to an engaging video with an end result in mind.

About by Vitarank helps businesses dominate niche on YouTube by creating hundreds of optimized videos, one for each of the best long tail keywords. They spread the videos out across accounts that its customers own. Yes that's right, customers own the properties we creates for its customers! The videos, the YouTube channels, everything will be turned over to the customers as soon as the order is completed.

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