Recent Statistics Reveal That Around 629,000 Workers Were Reported as Being Involved in an Accident at Work from 2013-2014; The Accident Team Comments

London, England -- (SBWire) -- 05/15/2015 --Statistics released by The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) showed that of these 629,000 cases, 203,000 led to people needing at least 3 days' work and 148,000 led to over 7 days absence from work.

The cause of fatal injuries came down to three main categories: falling from height, moving machinery and collision with a moving vehicle. Manual Handling was responsible for a large portion of major accidents that resulted in over 7 day's absence from work.

What people deem to be less serious incidents such as slips, trips and falls actually caused a large percentage of reported accidents in work; this category was responsible for 35% of injured employees, and made up over half of reported major or specified injuries, and 29% accounted for 7+ day work absences. The combination of manual handling and slips, trips and falls were responsible for over 1.9 million working days being lost last year alone.

The Accident Team, who specialise in cases of workplace accidents, have commented: Whilst statistics are starting to show a slight decrease in reported accidents in the workplace, the numbers are still high, and many cases do still go unrecorded.

"The number of accidents is likely declining due to better awareness and more safety measures in the workplace. It is important that this remains a sharp focus of employers and employees alike in order to keep the numbers decreasing.

"Unfortunately accidents do still happen, and as can be seen in the reports even a simple occurrence such as a trip or fall can render people unable to work for long periods of time. The neck, back and arms are some of the main places that can be severely damaged by a bad fall, and if the fault was not of the employee then they deserve to get help receiving compensation for their physical and monetary inconveniences."

Company: The Accident Team
Focus: Accidents in the workplace

Media Relations Contact

Dennis A. Benefield
The Accident Team

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