Using KICKSTARTER, Retired Professor Michael Stavy Seeks Financial Support to Present His Paper at the 14th World Wind Energy Conference, Jerusalem, Israel
Professor Michael Stavy’s paper (his 32nd) on the Levelized Cost of Storing Wind Electricity in an Energy Storage System has been accepted for an oral presentation at the 14th World Wind Energy Conference, 26-28 October 2015, Jerusalem, Israel. Michael is a retired American economics teacher and renewable energy economist. Using KICKSTARTER, he is seeking financial support from environmentally sensitive individuals for his Jerusalem travel expenses.
Chicago, IL -- (SBWire) -- 07/10/2015 --Michael Stavy, a retired (1970-1999) American economics teacher and renewable energy economist (since 1990), is scheduled to present his 31st paper, "The Levelized Cost (US$/MWh; €/MWh; ILS/MWh) of Storing Wind Electricity on a Grid-Connected, Utility-Scaled (MW) Energy Storage System (ESS)", at the 14th World Wind Energy Conference (WWEC), 26-28 October 2015, Jerusalem, Israel. Michael presented his first energy storage paper 12 years ago; "A Financial Worksheet for Computing the Levelized Cost of Wind Electricity (US$/MWh, SEK/MWh, €/MWh) Stored in a Hydrogen Storage System", at the International Solar Energy Society's SOLAR WORLD CONFERENCE 2003, 14-19 June, Göteborg, Sweden.
With his own money, Michael did his energy storage research, prepared his economic analysis, and wrote a significant enough paper to be accepted for an oral presentation (not a poster presentation). He needs your financial backing to pay his Jerusalem travel expenses. As a retired economics teacher, he is not in a position to self-finance his travel to Jerusalem.
Michael has suggested that for environmental and geopolitical reasons Israel should become the planet's first (electric vehicle) EV Nation. It is a pure coincident, but the Israeli Railroad just announced that it will electrify its main line tracks. Jerusalem already has a tram line. Tel Aviv's light rail system is under construction. The Israeli EV fleet, the Jerusalem tram, Tel Aviv's light rail system and the Israeli Railroad can all use the wind power discharged from energy storage.
Michael's WWEC 2015 paper adds to the technical literature on the economics of energy storage. The paper has an Excel worksheet for entering the nine energy storage specifications; then the worksheet computes the levelized cost of the stored electricity. At Michael's WWEC 2015 oral presentation, he will discuss his research findings, demonstrate his worksheet and answer questions.
Increasing the use of wind electricity reduces carbon emissions from power generation but in order to use wind power there has to be energy storage when the wind does not blow. Michael's paper helps slow global warming by enabling wind electricity with storage to replace fossil electricity.
Michael Stavy is appealing to the environmentally sensitive KICKSTARTER community to support his travel to Jerusalem. His does not expect to get any support from the oil or coal industries.
Michael's KICKSTARTER funding goal is $6,900. He really knows how to travel on a budget.
To back Michael's independently written, climate mitigating energy storage paper, GO TO:
There are rewards for backers starting at US$25 and going up to US$600.
Michael's website is
About Michael Stavy
Michael has 25 yrs of experience in utility scale wind technology and economics. On 25 April 2013, Michael was quoted on electric grid reliability in the New York Times He helped do energy studies while in the USAR 308th Civil Affairs Group (1968-74). Michael was a member of a Fact-Finding Delegation that went to Germany, 17-21 September 2012, to study, "Innovations in Energy Efficient City Transit ( ). The delegation was sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and by the German/American Chamber of Commerce (AHK).
Michael Stavy has a University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) BA (1967), Northwestern MBA (1969) and past (1979) the Illinois CPA exam. Michael was (1980-89) a registered Illinois CPA.
During October 2002, Michael was an Invited Professor at the Ecole Supériere de Affairs (ESA), Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble, France
During the 1997-98 academic year and during the fall semester, 1999, he was an Adjunct Associate Professor of Finance at UIC
From 1970 to 1999, Michael Stavy was a full-time, tenured Economics teacher at the College of DuPage (COD), Glen Ellyn, IL
Media Relations Contact
Howard Sherman
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