The Art of the Perfect Screenplay Title: How to Come Up with a Compelling Title
In his recent column, Michael Rogan of ScriptBully magazine, lays out strategies screenwriters can use to come up with a screenplay title that's engaging, original and boosts the marketability of your script.
San Diego, CA -- (SBWire) -- 07/17/2015 --As any hard-working screenwriter will attest, one of the most difficult parts of making sure a script is marketable is to come up with a compelling screenplay title.
In his new column, "How to Create a Screenplay Title That Doesn't Suck," Michael Rogan of ScriptBully magazine shares some dos - and a couple dont's - when it comes to screenplay titles.
"Many writers see their screenplay title as an afterthought, but this is a huge mistake," said Rogan. "The right screenplay title is like a big billboard for your screenplay right there on Hollywood Blvd. (And one you don't have to pay for."
Rogan believes good screenplay titles evoke a unique story world. ("But not so unique that's unrecognizable.) And they should be origional. ("But not too original. There's a fine line between quirky and outright crazy.")
But perhaps the most important tip Rogan provides is not to stress the creation of a screenplay title.
"Some of the best movies ever made had utterly crap screenplay titles," said Rogan. "So come up with the best screenplay title you can, and then send that puppy out."
"Somebody will probaby change it before it gets released anyway."
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Michael Rogan
ScriptBully Magazine
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