How to Select the Right Fall Debris Equipment

The Equipment Experts at Power Equipment Warehouse Offer Useful Tips for Homeowners & Landscape Professionals Alike


Warren, OH -- (SBWire) -- 09/29/2015 --Unusual spring and summer weather patterns may deliver an early fall season to much of the country.

Heavy rains, extended drought, and extreme temperatures marked 2015. Much of the central and eastern US can expect to see changing leaves sooner than later which means falling leaves are not far behind. Homeowners and landscape professionals should evaluate their fall debris equipment to determine if the equipment is fall ready, or should be replaced with new equipment.

Handheld, backpack & walk behind leaf/debris blowers should be well stocked and readily available. Look for quality brands like Little Wonder, Husqvarna, & Troy-Bilt, just to name a few. When selecting a leaf blower, it is important to consider the velocity of the blower in cubic feet per minute (CFM). CFM is the definitive power indicator. To select the right blower velocity, consider the size of the yard and the distance the leaves/debris have to be blown. Velocity is proportional to yard size and distance, so it is beneficial to purchase more velocity if the property is sizeable. There is no need to purchase a high velocity blower for a small yard.

Trac Vac and Peco Lawn Vacs can be mounted behind tractors or zero turn mowers. These come in very handy for exceptionally large areas. Landscape professionals should consider tailgate mount, skid mount or highway ready tow behind, Little Wonder Monster truckloaders. Truckloader will gobble up leaves and make quick work of tough jobs. Don't wait. Units like these go fast and often are on long factory back order after original inventories are sold.

About Power Equipment Warehouse
Power Equipment Warehouse and its affiliates are family owned and operated since 1947. Brands of power equipment supplies sold include: Toro, Husqvarna, Honda, Little Wonder, Mantis, MTD, JRCO, Ryan, Brown, Bluebird, Trac-Vac, Trimmertrap, Jungle Jims, Velke and many, many more. Power Equipment Warehouse is the trusted name in the outdoor power equipment industry.

Media Relations Contact

Lisa Miller
Do-Cut's Power Equipment Warehouse

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