Scott Tucker Will Debut "Sleepy Kittens" Feature at Summer Solstice

Scott Tucker Studio's will show their new production “Sleepy Kittens” at their Summer Solstice celebration event. Movie Favorites will review the new film and showcase the studio.

Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWire) -- 11/04/2015 --Scott Tucker Studios, a new L.A. based company specializing in animal documentary and fictional films, will show "Sleepy Kittens" at the studio's first collaboration event with Movie Favorites. The Summer Solstice celebration will feature family friendly refreshments and a small petting zoo before the debut of Tucker's new movie.

"We do not get to see enough family friendly movies these days, everything is always at least PG-13," says Kristina Williams, editor at Movie Favorites. "Having a smaller studio show off their new family friendly movie is really incredible."

Beginning June 1, registration for the event will be available on Movie Favorites website. Limited seats for the night-screening of "Sleepy Kitten" will be available for groups with over four guests. The event will have additional day-activities for families who do not wish to stay for the movie debut.

"I have three small girls at home, they basically wrote the script for this movie with my staff at the studio this spring," says Tucker. "We had a cat who had a liter of healthy and adorable kittens and we were inspired to create a film from the event and heart-melting that followed. After a short while we agreed that an animation would take to long to produce so we just filmed real kittens being sleepy in my studio."

Tickets for the event will be sold for $4 on Movie Favorites when registration begins. There will be limited seats available for the day-activities and for the debut movie night-screening. Families are encouraged to bring children over the age of six to the event.

About Movie Favorites
Movie Favorites takes pride in covering everything film-related. With interviews, reviews, and exclusive video, Movie Favorites can illuminate both film buffs and those who are just interested in finding a movie to see this weekend. The site also hosts live film events in cities throughout the U.S.

About Scott Tucker
Scott Tucker Studio's is owned and operated by Scott Tucker and his family just outside of Los Angeles, CA. The studio has more than 10,000 square feet of useable warehouse studio space enclosed for various production styles. Tucker has three daughters and two cats at home nearby his studio.

Media Relations Contact

Alisa Baymen

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