Winter's Worst Nightmare – Snowblowers


Warren, OH -- (SBWire) -- 11/12/2015 --Annually, thousands of homeowners wait until the snow flies before they check the condition of their snowblower. In some instances, homeowners wished they had a snowblower, but don't. Equipment availability, back-log of equipment service requests, and hazardous conditions are just of a few issues procrastinators face.

The snowblower experts at Power Equipment Warehouse strongly urge their customers to check the condition of their snow removal equipment months in advance. Snowblower servicing starts in the early fall and service requests pile up quickly… just like the snowfall. For homeowners who can handle repairs themselves, it is advisable to purchase replacement parts as soon as possible.

There are fantastic options available for those looking to purchase or replace their snowblowers. The new Toro Snowmaster™ has the power of a 2-stage snowblower, but is more compact and easy to handle – plus it even has Toro's Personal Pace self-propel! Snowblower units are available from 12" electric shovels, to 28" 8HP, 2-stages with hand warmers.

Honda's Single-Stage HS720 series are all new too! They feature a new, compact design, easy starting, 22" width and the new Snow Director™ Chute Control which allows easy control of the distance and direction of the snow being blown.

As usual, snowblowers will be in demand, so purchase new equipment early and don't be left holding a shovel!

About Power Equipment Warehouse
Power Equipment Warehouse and its affiliates are family owned and operated since 1947. Brands of power equipment supplies sold include: Toro, Husqvarna, Honda, Little Wonder, Mantis, MTD, JRCO, Ryan, Brown, Bluebird, Trac-Vac, Trimmertrap, Jungle Jims, Velke and many, many more. Power Equipment Warehouse is the trusted name in the outdoor power equipment industry.

Lisa M. Miller
Power Equipment Warehouse
Phone: 800-769-3741
Fax: 330-369-8805

Media Relations Contact

Lisa Miller
Do-Cut's Power Equipment Warehouse

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