Move over Millennials, Seniors Are Discovering Podcasting, Too

46% of Podcast Audience Is Over Age 45


Las Vegas, NV -- (SBWire) -- 11/17/2015 --There's a new history teacher in town who believes there's a story behind every story, and the fans, both young and old, of his weekly podcast show agree. "We have been absolutely blown away by listener response and feedback", says Jon Hagadorn, the 66 year-old creator and host of 1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries, a rapidly rising new history show now listened to worldwide on any device that delivers Internet, from Smartphones to car touch screens, laptops, iPads and desktops. "We launched our show at iTunes and less than one year ago and for the first three months it was basically crickets. Then people started finding us, and began coming to our website at, and finding us at, Stitcher, iTunes, and all the rest, and within a few more months we were seeing over 70,000 downloads a month…about 83% from listeners in the U.S., and the rest from Canada, U.K. and over a hundred other countries. Groups like Edison Research show that 46% of the podcast audience is over 45, and there are 40 million listeners in the U.S.-podcasting is really on the rise, especially now with most new cars having Internet connected touchscreens. We have a large number of young and older listeners who really enjoy our stories. If you're over 50 and not trying history podcasts, you're missing something good. You wouldn't believe the number of people who email us saying "My grandfather was in that battle", or "your story of Pointe Du Hoc brought tears to my eyes…we lost an uncle there", or "I had no idea that happened…thanks for the story behind the story". We are reaching people on a personal level and their feedback is heartwarming."

His show, which focuses on stories of heroes, unique moments in history, and largely untold stories, has received lots of attention, as book publicists for the best-selling "Becoming George Washington" and Random/House Penguin's Korean War epic "Devotion" have contacted him for interview-driven shows.

"The episodes at 1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries average about 35 minutes in length, just about right for the drive to and from work. Fans with access to the Internet download a free application that delivers new episodes from the shows they choose. The most popular podcast app is the iTunes Podcast app, available free at the Apple Apps Store, or for Android users,, or the Stitcher app, available at Its a lot like old time radio-you choose the shows you like and they serve them up weekly when you click subscribe-and that's free as well."

"Our top performing episodes have been "Gremlins: The World War II Myth That Became a Movie", "The Boys of Pointe Du Hoc", "The Mysterious Death of Edgar Allen Poe", and "The Knights Templar: Crusaders or Conspirators"…with lots a close runner-ups", Hagadorn quips. "The most satisfying part of doing this show is getting feedback from the fans who tell us they had never heard that side of the story and that we made history come alive for them. That's what keeps me going."

When asked if the show has provided any income, Hagadorn replies, "so far this has all come out of my time and pockets, and I still work part-time to pay the bills. We just listed our show with This is a very successful site where patrons of the arts, including podcast arts, go to provide support on a monthly basis. You can pledge $1 a month if you wish- everything helps us. And everyone who joins us as a patron receives a monthly update on what we doing, including getting the scoop on upcoming shows."

Jon's 1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries podcast is on target to pass one million downloads by April of 2016, and they still have 930 stories to tell.

Jon Hagadorn/1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries Podcast
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Howard Sherman

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