New Research: Global Flexible Glass Market Exceed to $1 Billion Till Year 2016

Market Research Store releases a new market research report "Global Flexible Glass Market 2010 Forecast to Industry Size, Shares, Strategies, Trends, and Growth 2016" to add to its collection of research reports.


Deerfield Beach, FL -- (SBWire) -- 12/28/2015 --Following is a forecast for flexible glass substrate markets that represent but a fraction of the overall solar panel markets. Starting from zero in 2010, Flexible Glass market reaches $1 billion by 2016 representing just a fraction of overall spending on solar panels. After that, the markets are anticipated to grow significantly capturing a large part of the solar panel and other nanotechnology manufacturing production.

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Analysis of flexible glass markets depends on looking at the need for substrates for nanotechnology including the thin film solar and battery markets which in turn depend on the number of autos sold and number of solar panels. In addition there are a lot of metrics to look at, including number of concentrating solar installations up coming, number of LCD TVs, number of thin film batteries, number of semiconductors, and number of HDD components.

Electric power from renewable sources, particularly solar energy promises a new generation of utility companies that replace large fossil fuel generating plants with substations that gather electricity from commercial rooftops near the demand for electricity. Electric vehicles will be recharged from stationary batteries located near suburban homes.

Flexible glass has a higher threshold for heat management than polymer. Polymers will melt at temperatures where glass substrate remains stable. Glass markets overall continue to be strong. Corning expects worldwide glass demand to reach 2.7-2.8 billion square feet in 2010, up from 2.4 billion square feet in 2009. Glass shipments can be analyzed at a rate of 37% residential, 21% commercial, 28% automotive, and 17% specialty glass.

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Table Of Content

Flexible Glass Market Driving Forces
Flexible Glass as Substrates for Nanotechnology Deposition
Flexible Glass Used In A New Way Of Generating Solar Power
Lithium-ion and Advanced Lithium Battery Substrate Market Forecasts

1.1 Ultra Thin Flexible Glass Substrates
1.1.1 Nanotechnology Depends On Substrates
1.1.2 OLED Technology Ultra Thin Flexible Glass Substrates
1.1.3 Wearable Displays
1.2 Flexible Glass Replaces Polymer Foils
1.3 Solar Panels Built on Flexible Glass For Building Facades
1.3.1 Glass As A Building Material
1.3.2 Focus on Energy Efficiency with Glass
1.3.3 Characteristics Of A Thin Film Solar Cell
1.4 Vacuum Coating Technologies

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