Lightening Entertainment Rocks With Gorgeous Frankenstein

Astoria, NY -- (SBWire) -- 11/29/2010 -- It was a fun filled night at Geena Jinev Anac & Natasha Anac of Lightening Entertainment's North Jersey home, as they were listening the rockin sounds of Punk Rock Band Gorgeous Frankenstein, with friends Liza Yavru, Sandra & Matilt Veziroglu.

They listened the killer riffs of Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein from the 2007 Album. " They absolutely rock, I love their song Gorgeous Frankenstein !" Added Geena Jinev Anac

Before the night was over it turned it to Gorgeous Frankenstein fashion show with shirts sent to the Anac sisters curtesy of Stephanie Bellars a.k.a. Gorgeous George (Frankenstein). "These shirs are a must have for any music fan, the material is 100% cotton very comfortable & the graphics are incredible!" Said Natasha Anac. The shirts and band merchandise is available for sale at

In the fallen remains of the Resurrected Misfits rose a project that would find its origins through the vision of Guitarist Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein. Doyle, the hulking Misfits axeman, with his unmistakable presence and notorious guitar sound began to write songs that would most recently become recorded and released under the banner of the name Gorgeous Frankenstein. The name was decided upon as a way to combine both Doyle and wife Stephanie Bellars (Gorgeous George of WC...wrestling fame) names into one conceptual theme.

Doyle originally wrote the first few songs of the Gorgeous Frankenstein project with for wife George to dance to. Reuniting after many years with his mentor Glenn Danzig upon a chance occurance initiated by George, fate dealt a wonderful hand. A rekindled friendship now between them, Doyle brought Glenn's attention to his new project.

Danzig soon suggested he produce and release the songs on his label Evillive. Glenn has played a major role in the development of the band in the sense that he has overseen and guided the efforts from the very beginning. After having his foundations set, Doyle then set out to assemble the band. Argyle Goolsby of Blitzkid fame was suggested to Doyle though friend Dr. Chud after Goolsby completed a tour as touring bassist for Dr. Chuds' band the X Ward. Upon Chud's suggestion Goolsby sent his audition tape to Doyle and not long after that received the call to join the band. Time elapsed as a drummer and vocalist was sought. Auditions were held and in August of 2007 Doyle called Goolsby who was at the time on tour in Europe with Blitzkid informing him that a singer had been found but the drummer position hadn't been so fortunate yet. Landon Blood had recently been recruited to sing on the upcoming record and front the band live. Landon a resident of Las Vegas, NV. made numerous trips to CA. to visit with Doyle and Glenn most of that time spent in the studio to lay down vocal tracks for the album. During this time a drummer was still being sought out and Argyle Goolsby continued to tour with his band Blitzkid until his services and presence was needed out west.

Glenn would be shooting a video for the band in a weeks time from that phone call given to Goolsby, and for the time a fill in drummer was needed at least for the video shoot. Goolsby suggested that his drummer Jesco fly out to California with him to meet up and appear in the video. This plan went through and a week later both Goolsby and Jesco were in California for the video shoot. After shooting the video Goolsby with Jesco along visited Doyle and George for some time and they both got to know Jesco. Before the two returned home Jesco was asked to join Gorgeous Frankenstein. Goolsby and Jesco were informed while they were there that Glenn had just arranged for a 3 week tour of America that upcoming October and that Gorgeous Frankenstein were going to be the opening band. With this news Goolsby and Jesco returned home to pack yet again for a longer trip and came back to California a week later. By this time it was mid sept. 07 and rehearsals began at an undisclosed mountain retreat affectionately termed the monster lab.

Vocalist Landon met up with the rest of the guys for these practices that went on daily into weekly into what ended up being a month. Upon the threshold of the tour, days before they were to leave for their first tour as a band, Doyle replaced Landon and asked Goolsby to fill the position.

It had been kicked around before the idea of Goolsby singing but Doyle wanted Goolsby to remain a presence on the bass and not be rooted to a microphone. the solution was found in giving Goolsby a wireless headset mic. With just days to rework it all into what had to be a flawless set

Doyle worked with Goolsby helping him learn the songs over as both singer and bassist. The task was fortunately taken in stride by Goolsby as his work in Blitzkid under the same circumstances helped him assimilate it all pretty quickly. Just days later the band boarded a plane bound for the east coast. Along with Danzig and his band they arrived to play their first show at the Ram's Head Live in Baltimore, Maryland. The tour spanned 3 weeks and was known as The Three Weeks of Halloween Tour. Both east and west coast dates were played. Recently Jesco Devilanse left Gorgeous Frankenstein to pursue and focus on more personal aspects of his life.

George is working very closely with both Doyle and Goolsby on all aspects of the band's future and continues to be a strong and supportive fixture to the inner working of it all.It should be said in closing that the addition of Goolsby to vocals after the release of the record has prompted much confusion. Goolsby in fact is NOT singing on the current album.

The album vocalist is Landon. Goolsby replaced Landon AFTER the release of the record. Both Doyle and Goolsby are in the process now of writing songs together to amass what will become the next Gorgeous Frankenstein album in which Goolsby will sing and play bass on as Doyle will naturally slay guitar. Gorgeous Frankenstein, thought taking some time to get off the ground now has a solid sight on it's future with many new songs being collaborated on continually by Doyle and Goolsby. Stay tuned, it's alive. Whamamamamonsta! Check out the Gorgeous Frankenstein's official website
"If you like Misfits and Danzig, you would love Gorgeous Frankenstein, looking forward in to the next album! " Concluded Geena Jinev Anac.


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