Cigar Leisure Talks Cigar Freshness, Quality, and Cost

Florida-based, Veteran-run Cigar and Accessories Store Shares Some Industry Secrets on Getting the Best Cigar for Your Buck


Riverview, FL -- (SBWire) -- 06/15/2016 --The truth is, all cigar retailers – whether online or a local tobacconist – get their cigars from one single master distributor. The difference is that all online vendors buy in bulk and store their cigars in various size warehouses. Some of these storage locations are climate controlled while some stores simply utilize smaller local public rental storage facilities in which proper humidification is questionable at best.

Cigar Leisure has a different approach – it stores no cigars! When Cigar Leisure receives an order, a copy is delivered to the same master distributor who then pulls the item from their 100,000 square foot state of the art humidor & shipping facility housing over 5 million cigars & 1,700 brands & ships it directly to the customer within hours of the order being placed. This guarantees the freshest cigars available, bar none!

Better pricing for a better end product is also an emphasis at Cigar Leisure. Online and "brick & mortar" retailers with large offices, storage facilities, storefronts and larger staffs have greater overhead cost. Cigar Leisure – without these issues holding it back – is able to deliver a fresher product at a greatly reduced cost.

In addition to its quality and pricing, Cigar Leisure is equally proud of its business relationships with multiple humidor & cigar accessory sources enabling them to offer a one stop source from affordable everyday humidors under $50.00 to top of the line models such as Adorini, Dunhill, Daniel Marshall & more.

Cigar Leisure is managed by a small group of retired military veterans that meets at the "19th Hole" on a daily basis who are primarily responsible for processing order and providing customer assistance as needed.

"Our 'Mean & Lean' posture keeps our overhead low while giving our valued patrons true one-on-one attention & unrivaled customer service," shared Leisure Cigar Owner Donald Rich, CWO-4 USMC (Ret). "We donate a significant portion of our profits to assist two main charities: The Semper Fi Fund & the VFW National Home for Children as well as Cigars for Warriors & Toys for Tots. We hope that by offering top quality products at incredible prices and ensuring we give back to others, folks will see Cigar Leisure as the best choice for all their cigar and humidor needs."

Cigar Leisure offers significant discounts to active duty and retired military personnel, first responders as well as military and other fraternal organizations (VFW, AMVETS, etc.). And of course, shipping is always free at Cigar Leisure!

For more info, call 855-677-3371 or visit

About Cigar Leisure
Cigar Leisure works hard to find the best cigars in the world! They have a large selection of high quality humidors and cigar accessories to fill all cigar enthusiast's smoking needs all at competitive & affordable prices.

Media Relations Contact

Donald Rich

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