Providence, UTAH Network Marketing Association (.NMA.International) Breaking News from Executives Chris Esseltine and Wendel Smith: Reason #272 Is Professional Distributor Protection


Providence, RI -- (SBWire) -- 10/26/2016 --The Network-Marketing-Association (NMA) is a Non-Profit Trade-Association: Bringing the Community together, Providing needed group-benefits, Protecting Their Member's Business and Improving Public Image. NMA's focus is advocating for the clients business. The NMA is dedicated to advocating for the rights of independent distributors, assisting and supporting them in building-successful-businesses, and improving the industry overall. NMA is a non-profit trade association engaged in a wide-range of activities to support the Industry, Distributors, and help Companies grow. NMA is dedicated to assisting with challenges common to all companies.

NMA Supports BOTH Network Marketing Companies and Distributors Equally.
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NMA is Empowering the Community: First, NMA is helping to improve the public-perception of the community by helping Network Marketers become more professional. NMA is already working with companies to create-and-foster positive and ethical codes-of-conduct. Companies have asked NMA, with the aid of our legal-professionals, to review their Direct-Sales-Agreements and help make those contracts better for Network Marketers. The NMA will be launching local, regional, and national-campaigns to help shift public-perception. This all leads to an industry the client can be even more proud of, as well as greater-retention of their downline, and an easier time recruiting new team members.

The Network Marketing Association Helps with Disputes Between Partners: There are, and in the future there will continue to exist, a few 'bad apples' that haunt the industry and Network Marketing Community. It will take consistent, positive-messages and experiences in order to reverse this unfortunate misconception. Success in this area means greater retention of distributors who would otherwise leave a company, less disruption for distributors and their up-line/downline, and a more favorable-perception of the industry overall. NMA believes that the relationship between distributors and the companies is a true partnership: Neither can successfully accomplish their goals without the other.

Providence, UTAH Network Marketing Association (.NMA.International) Breaking News from Executives Chris Esseltine and Wendel Smith: Reason #272 is Professional Distributor Protection

Wendel Smith
VP, Network Marketing Association

NMA is Educating and Empowering: Network Marketing is unique-in-the-fact that an individual with no formal-business-education or experience can attain incredible-success. Some of the most-successful Network Marketers today, and in its' history, have had little-formal-education. The best have expanded their knowledge by educating-themselves through finding mentors, paying coaches, buying books and investing in seminars. NMA has numerous tools available as part of the clients membership. There is no degree, training, coach, book, seminar that can replace the correct tutelage of an attentive-sponsor or up-line. The NMA encourages all its' members to look to their up-line and corporate-leadership for company endorsed training.

The Network Marketing Association is Preparing Distributors: Informed, well-prepared, professional-distributors means greater retention in the clients organization, increased volumes, more success stories and credible professionals building for their entire career on their team. NMA is focused on creating a new-level-of professionalism in the industry like that only currently seen in a few international-markets. Funding that comes through NMA annual-dues and donations are what will make this goal a reality. NMA will help create better-prepared-candidates for Network Marketing by educating the public about their industry. It's important to overcome the negative-stigma that has been created by those who were recruited incorrectly.

NMA will Provide Updates, News, and Advice: As a preferred-member with NMA, the client will receive a monthly-newsletter with updates on the Industry, Motivation, Education, and other pertinent support. They will also receive Industry, Regulatory, and Legal Alerts regarding vital information you need to know about in order to grow their business and keep it safe. NMA offers assistance with: (1) How to form a corporation, (2) How to safeguard their business, (3) How to save significant-money through tax-deductions, (4) What one can-and-cannot legally claim regarding their product(s), and relevant guidance on: (5) How to more effectively build-and-run their business.

The Network Marketing Association will Innovate and Create: The NMA is helping improve the industry's reputation by teaching distributors how to be more professional by employing approaches used by Fortune 500 companies as wells as industry-leading success coaches. They are also launching local, regional, and national campaigns to change pubic perception of the industry.

The NMA will Prepare and Train New Distributors: A new person attends a meeting, becomes swept-up in fervor-of-emotion by promises of amazing-wealth and incredible-lifestyle, and they sign-up with little-or-no understanding of the hard work, rejections, and discouragement inherent in building a networking business. Usually, when things get tough enough, they move on. Average distributors are not well-informed about basic-things like Compensation Plans, their relationship to their company and the support infrastructure. Some sponsors, and other up-line individuals help with this, but not all do. Because no uniform-training exists, the likelihood of a well-prepared distributor hitting-the-ground running is extremely low.

About NMA
NMA is A Non-Profit Trade Association: Bringing the Community together, Providing needed group benefits, Protecting Our Member's Business and Improving Public Image.

Media Relations Contact

Adam Green
Network Marketing Association (.NMA.International)

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