Sales Execution Optimization – Sales and the Art of the Story with Mike Bosworth and Host Phil Bush
Many people hear “Sales” and they think of Sellers Pushing something at them. In this day and age, not only does that approach not work, but Mike and Phil are doing to discuss how telling Meaningful stories could really help you come to a Decision to Buy vs Being “Sold To.”
Phoenix, AZ -- (SBWire) -- 10/31/2016 --Sales Execution Optimization is how we can look at the Sales Process through the Eyes of the Buyer and make the Sales Cycle and Buying Cycle Linked Up. Sales Enablement has come a long way in the last 30 years. We have gone from where Sellers "Pushed" Products to make sales to 2016, to where much better educated buyers have turned the sales process on its Head. Sellers have to be much more Complete in their mastery of many topics, including Telling Stories.
Listen to "Sales Execution Optimization" every Monday at 1:00 PST/4:00 EST on Voice America Business Channel -
Sales Execution Optimization is the New SEO. If you are not Optimizing the way you Sell, you can not only lose Sales, but can lose significant time and effort in all aspects of the business. Phil Bush and his Guests will talk about where Sales is going and how You and your organization can optimize your performance in Sales.
Phil and Mike will be discussion "Storytelling and Sales" on October 31. The key is that Sales Execution is much different than it used to be, and being about to tell a Story is key part of Sales. Phil and Mike, despite much collective time in the Field, will be focused on the Future and how things have gone forward in Sales Execution.
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