Willard, UTAH Network Marketing Association (.NMA.International) Latest News from Executives Chris Esseltine and Wendel Smith: Reason #346 Is Professional Industry Support
Willard, UT -- (SBWire) -- 11/16/2016 --The Network-Marketing-Association (NMA) is a Non-Profit Trade-Association: Bringing the Community together, Providing needed group-benefits, Protecting Their Member's Business and Improving Public Image. NMA's focus is advocating for the clients business. The NMA is dedicated to advocating for the rights of independent distributors, assisting and supporting them in building-successful-businesses, and improving the industry overall. NMA is a non-profit trade association engaged in a wide-range of activities to support the Industry, Distributors, and help Companies grow. NMA is dedicated to assisting with challenges common to all companies.
NMA Supports BOTH Network Marketing Companies and Distributors Equally.
801-999-8874, E-mail: contact@nma.international
Website: http://www.nma.international
Wendel Smith
VP, Network Marketing Association
Willard, UTAH Network Marketing Association (.NMA.International) Latest News from Executives Chris Esseltine and Wendel Smith: Reason #346 is Professional Industry Support
NMA is Empowering the Community: It's no secret that the network marketing community is under-siege from short-sellers, media and biased watchdog critics. Due to the barrage of misinformation and blatant-lies from these organizations and critics, the public still confuses the network marketing community to be part of some "pyramids" or "get rich quick" schemes, without understanding the true positive economic-impact network marketing has on the general population. Sadly, in some cases, this negative-perception is a direct or indirect-result of unprofessional or unscrupulous-behavior on the part of a distributor or company. The NMA is here to spread the right message!
NMA is Educating and Empowering: Network Marketing is unique-in-the-fact that an individual with no formal-business-education or experience can attain incredible-success. Some of the most-successful Network Marketers today, and in its' history, have had little-formal-education. The best have expanded their knowledge by educating-themselves through finding mentors, paying coaches, buying books and investing in seminars. NMA has numerous tools available as part of the clients membership. There is no degree, training, coach, book, seminar that can replace the correct tutelage of an attentive-sponsor or up-line. The NMA encourages all its' members to look to their up-line and corporate-leadership for company endorsed training.
The Network Marketing Association will Innovate and Create: Network Marketing has slowly been gaining ground on improving public-perception and overall appeal. This progress is represented clearly in some recent statistics: (1) 1 in 4 consumers say they like to purchase from a direct sellers, (2) 2/3 of all consumers have been approached to buy products from a direct seller, (3) 1/3 of all consumers have a favorable view of direct selling (and this number has been increasing since 2008) and, (4) here is an interesting discovery: 4 out of 10 thought Direct Selling was Amazon or a eBay type-of-buying.
The NMA will Prepare and Train New Distributors: A new person attends a meeting, becomes swept-up in fervor-of-emotion by promises of amazing-wealth and incredible-lifestyle, and they sign-up with little-or-no understanding of the hard work, rejections, and discouragement inherent in building a networking business. Usually, when things get tough enough, they move on. Average distributors are not well-informed about basic-things like Compensation Plans, their relationship to their company and the support infrastructure. Some sponsors, and other up-line individuals help with this, but not all do. Because no uniform-training exists, the likelihood of a well-prepared distributor hitting-the-ground running is extremely low.
About NMA
NMA is A Non-Profit Trade Association: Bringing the Community together, Providing needed group benefits, Protecting Our Member's Business and Improving Public Image.
Media Relations Contact
Adam Green
Network Marketing Association (.NMA.International)
View this press release online at: http://rwire.com/742808