Olympus Mobility Scooters Comes to San Francisco


San Francisco, CA -- (SBWire) -- 04/26/2017 --Mobility is a key component of independence and freedom. For many, it also factors into feelings of confidence and ability. Olympus Mobility Scooters now offers that freedom, independence, and confidence to residents of all ages with its new location in San Francisco.

Being able to go where you want, when you want, without relying on rides or assistance along the way, is a basic personal freedom many people take for granted. When illness, injury, disability, or other factors influence that ability, it can create challenges in accomplishing even the most basic task.

Understanding the different scenarios people may have to adapt to, and knowing that everyone has unique mobility issues, the company offers a variety of options for both indoor and outdoor use. Described as 'new generation' because they are lighter and more flexible than previous scooters, Olympus Mobility Scooters offers a variety of options to suit the needs and geography of San Francisco.

The company's Fast Folding Scooter is described as light weight and compact but also very sturdy. This makes the product line ideal for every age, for women and men, and for people of varying strengths. It also means users gain the added freedom, in many cases, of not requiring assistance for transitioning between storage and use.

The flexibility and light weight design means users can take their freedom with them wherever they may travel, easily and simply. Imagine the comfort of knowing that on any trip, anywhere a consumer may wish to be, they are assured they will have the same freedom, independence, and capabilities they enjoy at home.

Indoor models are suitable for people who need assistance in a home or work environment, or for those who find their greatest challenge is tackling shopping centre excursions. The outdoor models represent freedom for those who still like to get out to walk dogs, accompany others on walks, or simply tour around. All of the models are electric, energy efficient and easy to charge in any setting.

Beyond a range of scooter options, Olympus Mobility Scooters offers professional consulting to help consumers select the product and options that best suit their needs. With consultants now located in San Francisco, in addition to its other two California locations, consumers have the opportunity to sit down and to discuss, to see and to touch various models. Of course, online services and the ability to browse the company's website is also valuable for those who prefer to do their research ahead.

A simple, four step online questionnaire helps consumers determine quickly and easily, where their needs may best be filled. Follow up with a professional consultant can then confirm that, and expand upon the options and choices to be made.

Working with Olympus Mobility Scooters' trained consultants gives consumers access to information about the latest and most innovative technologies and options, and advice about whether a three-wheel or four-wheel option may be best, and which model is ideally designed to suit their particular needs. As the demand for this kind of product grows, Olympus Mobility Scooters' product line and options will also grow, ensuring consumers are able to take advantage of the latest advancements in the market.

Having trained staff within San Francisco means access to people who know the area, the geography, the challenges, and the accessibility challenges. Rather than someone in a far off location who may recommend product not suited to the particular environment, Olympus Mobility Scooters' San Francisco team is uniquely in-tuned with the city and can advise consumers, very specifically, on best options.

For more information about Olympus Mobility Scooters, to check out models, or to connect with a consultant, visit http://olympusmobilityscooters.com.

Media Relations Contact

Scott Hayes

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