Adestra Launches New Version Email Marketing Platform at Online Marketing Show 2011

New MessageFocus API to automate tasks, data security improvement features, testing and content generation

Oxford, Oxon -- (SBWire) -- 06/22/2011 --Adestra has chosen Online Marketing Show 2011 (29-30th June, London Olympia) to unveil the new version of its email marketing platform, MessageFocus. Key new features include:

• An improved API for automating processes, integrating with existing systems, and managing your account remotely.
• Additional security features to reduce risk at client-side.
• Improved email display testing to ensure your emails arrive looking as intended.
• Split-testing to improve metrics and ROI.
• Automated email content generation to save time and improve click-through rate by including ‘live’ content.

In addition, Parry Malm, Account Director at Adestra is presenting in the Mobile, Social Media and App Presentation Arena on the opening day Wednesday 29 June at 14.40 - 15.10, covering How to measure return on social media investment (RoSMI)

Adestra are inviting visitors onto their stand B409 for a demo of the new version of MessageFocus and to join them for a glass of champagne or orange juice.

Steve Denner, Director at Adestra says: “We’ve made a number of key improvements after listening to clients and taking a broader, forward-looking view to help improve marketers’ effectiveness and control of their email communications. We are not only including additional data security options, but improving usability and interoperability with clients’ existing systems and enhancing automation. This is an ongoing focus for the development team. This is the first of a series of updates we have planned this year as we move quickly to introduce the features our clients are asking for.”

New MessageFocus features:
Email Display Testing
Do you know whether the emails you send to your recipients arrive in their inboxes looking as your original design intended? MessageFocus email template editors are easy-to-use and provide marketers with the control and flexibility they need. Coupled with pre-send checks and email content previews, MessageFocus puts marketers in control of the emails they send out. With a simple interface, brands can test content in a multitude of email clients quickly and easily. MessageFocus further ensures email quality by verifying working links, spam score and sending pre-broadcast test emails.

Split Testing
Nothing is as effective at improving campaign metrics and ROI as testing. Testing your email marketing means you can work out what works best for your audience, brand and organisation. The MessageFocus split-testing feature provides marketers with flexible options for testing different campaign variations. Tests can be as simple as a subject line test or more complex by varying the email content itself. Importantly, the interface is easy-to-use, allowing the creation of variants quickly and easily. Plus marketers can watch how customers react to each offer in real time and optimise content and offers appropriately. The whole list can then automatically receive the best performing campaign.

Data Management
MessageFocus is designed to be as flexible as possible, ensuring that integration with clients’ existing software is seamless, whether they are websites, CRM, ecommerce, warehouse or registration/ subscription systems. The MessageFocus API provides a rich set of functionality for automatically managing your MessageFocus account and data from a remote system. Use our web service interface to send transactional emails, manage contact data from other systems remotely, or seamlessly integrate with your existing systems.

Data security
Adestra takes its position as a provider of a top-tier email platform seriously. The team push themselves to provide the security provisions that clients would, and should expect from us, and wherever possible exceed this. Alongside any new developments to the platform, Adestra will always place the security of clients’ data as the highest priority. With that in mind, there are a number of features available to enhance the security of client email data and reduce the levels of risk as far as possible. Including security extras such as Two Factor Authentication, IP Address Restrictions, Data Download Permissions, gives clients extra control and security over account access, and extra email data protection.

Automated email content generation
Automating email campaigns can significantly save time, resources and improve results. Many Adestra clients benefit from the MessageFocus automated email content generation feature.

It uses XML to feed content from selected areas e.g. website, CMS and RSS straight into email templates. This can be as simple as pulling in the latest blog articles or twitter updates for easy content, or more sophisticated by creating a whole email from dynamic website content based on a recipient’s preferences or past purchases. Click-through rates are proven to be boosted by having up-to-date ‘live’ content within emails. Also clients can save time on email creation because they are not recreating content for both website and email.

For further information visit: and see us on stand number B409 at Online Marketing Show 2011.

Press Contacts
Jim Buchanan – PR Consultant, , 07725 257194
Reena Mistry – Marketing Director,, 01865 242425

About Adestra
Founded in 2004, Adestra set out to be the most respected Email Service Provider. Today, Adestra is a market leader, with offices in Oxford, London and New York. Over 300 organisations globally and more than 4,500 marketers across most sectors, work with our technology, people and deliverability solutions to generate effective email marketing that deliver results.

Our Technology: Developed entirely in-house by our staff, Adestra’s MessageFocus gives clients an extremely scalable and configurable email service platform that consistently delivers.

Our People: We seek to provide the highest possible levels of technical customer support and intelligent, innovative consultation. Our approach to client service has helped us to maintain our client retention rate at 98.7%, something we are very proud of.

Our Deliverability: Adestra offer a very honest approach to deliverability, quite simply there is no silver bullet. Our inbox placement rate, which peaks at 99.8% and our expertise, gives your emails the best chance of arriving in the destination inbox.

Why not give us a call on +44 (0)1865 242425 or email us on to discuss how we can help you to deliver results on your email marketing campaigns. Adestra’s product and corporate information is located at

Media Relations Contact

Jim Buchanan
PR Consultant

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