High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Hong Kong, August 23rd, will Bring Together the most Influential High-Frequency and Quantitative Trading Audience for an Evening of Networking and Cocktails at Hyde.
New York, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/25/2011 -- Golden Networking is inviting Thursday October 27 the liveliest audience of high-frequency and quantitative trading professionals to mingle at High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour, http://hfthappyhourhongkong.eventbrite.com, now for the second time in Hong Kong. High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour, featured in The Wall Street Journal, congregates high-frequency (and some low-frequency too) traders, quants, managers, investors and key decision makers for evenings of networking and cocktails.
Presently, high frequency traders in Asia are at a disadvantage compared to their brethren around the world due to exchange places that charge hefty transaction fees.
High-frequency traders typically operate by pushing out a large number of tiny orders at extremely high speed to profit from price inefficiencies, with research showing that a high-frequency trader would not hold a position open for more than a few seconds. In a report for The Business Times, Jamie Lee says the pressure is on for Asian exchanges to lower trading fees that currently would cost high- frequency traders more than a pretty penny.
In Hong Kong, the exchange charges a trading fee of 0.5 basis points per trade, a stamp duty of one basis point on the stock transaction, and a transfer deed stamp duty per trade where applicable.
In comparison, the Australian Securities Exchange - which is seen to be more open to algorithmic trading - recently dropped its main trade execution fee from 0.28 basis points to 0.15 basis points.
High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Hong Kong is produced by Golden Networking (http://www.goldennetworking.net), the premier networking community for business executives, entrepreneurs and investors. Upcoming Golden Networking's Forums and Business Receptions include:
• High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Chicago (http://hfthappyhourchicago.eventbrite.com), August 23, Chicago
• High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Hong Kong (http://hfthappyhourhongkong.eventbrite.com), August 25, Hong Kong
• High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Singapore (http://hfthappyhoursingapore.eventbrite.com), August 25, Singapore
• China Happy Hour New York (http://www.ChinaHappyHour.com), August 30, New York
• Public Finance Leaders Forum 2011 New York, "Navigating Uncharted Territories After S&P's U.S. Debt Downgrade from its Gilt-Edged AAA Credit Rating" (http://www.PublicFinanceLeadersForum.com), September 9, New York
• High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour New York (http://www.hfthappyhour.com), September 13, New York City
• High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Hong Kong , "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://hftleadersforumhongkong.eventbrite.com), September, 19-21, Hong Kong
• High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Chicago, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://hftleadersforumchicago.eventbrite.com), October 3-5, Chicago
• China Leaders Forum 2011 New York, "How American Companies Can Plug into the Chinese Rocket-Propelled Economy?" (http://www.ChinaLeadersForum.com), October 7, New York
• High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Sao Paulo, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://hftleadersforumsaopaulo.eventbrite.com), October 24-26, Sao Paulo, Brazil
• High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Singapore, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://hftleadersforumsingapore.eventbrite.com), November 13-15, Singapore
Golden Networking has compiled the insights of top experts and industry practitioners and produced DVD Video Packages for its Leaders and Experts Forums, including:
• High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 DVD Video Package, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World", http://www.HFTLeadersForum.com
• High-Frequency Trading Experts Workshop DVD Video Package, "Practical Implementation of High-Frequency Trading Strategies", http://www.HFTExpertsWorkshop.com
• 2nd China Leaders Forum DVD Video Package, "Is the Chinese Dragon Poised for Global Dominance or Economic Implosion?", http://www.ChinaLeadersForum.com
• Distressed Investing Experts Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Analyzing and Valuing Distressed Companies, Securities and Real Estate", http://www.DistressedInvestingExpertsForum.com
• Derivatives Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Strategies for Increasing Profits under an Evolving Regulatory Framework", http://www.DerivativesLeadersForum.com
• High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Innovating and Profiting from High-Frequency Trading in 2010 and Beyond", http://www.HFTLeadersForum.com
• Hedge Funds Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Generating Alpha in Challenging Times", http://www.HedgeFundsLeadersForum.com
• High-Frequency Trading Experts Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Starting and Running a High-Frequency Trading Operation", http://www.HFTExpertsForum.com
• Distressed Investing Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Extraordinary Opportunities Investors Cannot Afford to Pass", http://www.DistressedInvestingLeadersForum.com
• China Leaders Forum 2009 DVD Video Package, "Addressing the Challenges Posed by the Present Wave of Chinese Globalization", http://www.ChinaLeadersForum.com
• Distressed Investing Leaders Forum 2009 DVD Video Package, "The Most Comprehensive Guide for Any Investor in Distressed Assets", http://www.DistressedInvestingLeadersForum.com
Panelists, speakers and sponsors are invited to contact Golden Networking by sending an email to info@goldennetworking.net. Golden Networking has been frequently featured in the press, including recent articles in The Wall Street Journal, "Happy Hour for High-Frequency Trading", The New York Times, "Golden Networking Helps Job Seekers Make Overseas Connections", Los Angeles Times, "Speed-addicted traders dominate today's stock market", Reuters, "Revamp looms as trading experts huddle at SEC" and Columbia Business School's Hermes Alumni Magazine, "10 Under 10".